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In One Punch Man 1x10, Unparalleled Peril, aliens make a soft landing on the wrong planet. Five months and 29 days left to go.




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Big Fuze

Even if we have to wait a little longer please drop both ep 11 and 12 at the same time , pretty please 🙏


The game theory on potential emergencies is interesting. We kind of do feel like we need to exaggerate the risk for people to take a danger seriously in case the worst case happens. But then when it doesn't happen, people feel lied to when they realize they were better off not listening. And then repeat. I have been thinking a lot about it with hurricane Milton, where it was bad but nowhere near the worst case. My gut says the best thing to do is give people accurate information about the odds. But if you do, and most people choose to gamble and lose, we as a society have to expend a lot of resources in rescue efforts so it doesn't just affect them. It's hard...


Yeah it's tough! Even worse is that often it's highly plausible that something terrible COULD occur, but can't be pinned down with any level of accuracy because of the difficulty of prediction. My personal outlook overall is that being as honest and nuanced as possible is what bears the most fruit long term, even if there are dangers to that as well.

Jacob Cannon

random ass question have you ever read Annihilation/the Southern Reach series by Jeff VanderMeer? I feel like you'd mesh super well with its philosophies, and it gets at, i think, the heart of a lot of really interesting ideas you've presented in your videos.


The sheer resignation in your voice with “why school” gave me a chuckle. I feel like every time you watch a show with heroes this happens, but this time felt the most defeating lol.


It's amazing to me that after all the times I've PROVED beyond any doubt that school is terrible, people STILL go to school! 😔


The voice actor you thought was familiar is meruem’s and surprisingly ( I could’ve never guessed no matter how much I heard him) the s class hero with a baseball bat has Shaiapouf’s voice actor.

Sam B

"Maybe its like, King of the Skies, Great Bird." Best prediction you've had and that's saying something 😂


Metal Bat we freaking love u!!!