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In Re: Zero 2x14, Straight Bet, Roswaal gets outclowned and outcrazied and he is NOT happy about it.




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Vali Sippola

Let’s go. The bet is on, Otto is the greatest, a contract is broken, as well as a promise. I absolutely love the intro of this ep. The Otto conversation is just so great. The phrase “spit out all those knots” really resonates with me. I just love how Otto, in his own way, is able to reach Subaru and get him on his feet again. It’s interesting to see the characters that fill that role in this story. Emilia, Rem, and Otto being the ones that bring him back from the brink in different scenarios. I also adore the bet. It’s so straightforward, almost absurd, that Roswaal can’t help but be pulled in by it. The music is fantastic as well, the last time we heard it was all the way back in episode 7 of S1, when he jumps off the cliff. Two scenes, two declarations, one of death as he jumps off the cliff, and one of life as he decides he won’t use return by death to save the people he loves. Just peak. Tons of hints and setup and future Garfiel stuff as well, really excited to get into that in the coming eps. And finally, all the Emilia stuff. You aptly put that Pucks breaking of the contract is more symbolic and metaphorical, and ultimately for the best most likely, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less of a gut punch for her. I love all of Subarus discussions with her. They feel really genuine and heartfelt. It’s such a contrast to the Subaru of S1, it’s kind of crazy how far he’s come. He’s genuinely changed so much, while still being uniquely himself. And, a promise broken. Like you said, I’m sure he has good reasons, but that still hurts. Got a lot to make up for in this next convo with her. As always, great thoughts, I’m veryyyy excited for the next episode.


I remember when I first watched this episode, I was confused as to why Roswaal would take the bet with Subaru when it appears that he seemed to gain nothing from it since he has no control over what Subaru would do with his Authority. Even if he ends up winning the bet against Subaru, he could always just use Return by Death and redo it all over again. But I found it later through rewatches and reading the source material that it's because Roswaal is looking for the fastest way to break Subaru's spirit, which he thought he already did in this loop until Subaru bounced back with surprising vigor. So in this case, Roswaal wants to "lay the groundwork for next time" as he stated this episode, by crushing Subaru's new found spirit once more -- and ultimately making it easier for Subaru to get to the state that Roswaal wanted him at, even if that outcome won't occur in this specific loop. "Straight Bet" is a popular OST in the fandom that previously played in Season 1, famously during Subaru's "leap of faith" scene at the cliffside. It's fitting OST and title card for this episode, where Subaru once again found renewed strength. I found Puck's way of breaking things off with Emilia to still be completely unacceptable even today, like he might be the worst communicator in the world or something. Like what do you mean "ahhh I'm out of time because I've been spending too much energy trying to break off our contract for reasons that I won't bother telling you"??? He merely stated Emilia's memories coming back as a side effect btw, he never actually gave even a hint for why he's doing all of this. He doesn't say "trust me" or anything of the sort, he just reassures her that he loves her from the bottom of his heart while given negative explanation and blankly stating his betrayal of their contract. Puck's actually a pretty notoriously bad communicator in the novels, there's a lot of times in the past where his dialogues lacked consideration and he even had to apologize for some of the -- but the anime, reasonably so, decided to cut it out since it gets redundant and is not a high adaptation priority. But man, every rewatch of this season reminds me just how ACTUALLY BAD his communication was right here. The "no time" thing doesn't justify his lack of attempt to even try to tell Emilia that he's not doing this because she did something wrong, but that he has something in mind, or whatever his reasoning is. Subaru's act of leaving is actually rough here, too. But he wasn't there to give us an exact reason during this episode on why he left. Puck actually had the opportunity to say something and just said Ciao his daughter figure 💀


Two brief things, neither of which is a language thing (rare for me): 1) I think Alex is spot on with the Echidna IF story. The reason why things would turn out so horribly is not really because of who Echidna is. It's because of who Subaru would be if he took that out rather than choosing a path of self-improvement. Things would turn out badly because Subaru would have given up on himself and become an empty husk. 2) Alex seems completely convinced that a) Satella = [Emilia + timeline shenanigans], and also b) that's not necessarily terrible? Or at least, he seems unbothered by this fact. I didn't think that either of those were sure things, but maybe I'm just in denial?


So we now have definitive proof that without Otto Subaru would've gone mad and looped again not knowing how to save both locations at once. Otto to the rescue as always

Anya Mcghee

if Otto wasn’t there then it could’ve ended worse than the Greed Timeline


Maybe Puck didn't give any hint to uphold the contract seen in the OVA to not interfere, he has always tried to not interfer too much unless it is urgent.


Yeah that's a great point. I feel like it's a bigger issue for Emilia, a lot of people care about her and have her best interests at heart (though some don't) but there's this overall attitude of her being a child that's on a need-to-know basis for everything. People talk about her a lot and her success and happiness but then she's just sort of left out of the whole conversation. Presumably it's for her benefit but it seems to make things so much worse, because she's suffering from extreme loneliness and confusion and doubts about her self worth and capability.


Lol yeah I guess I convinced myself of that at some point. It just seems like the most likely scenario at this point given their resemblance, Emilia's latent abilities, their respective inner sadness and reliance on Subaru. What put me in that framework almost immediately is that a lot of it bears a striking resemblance to the intended plot of Final Fantasy 8, the loops, the witches, even the ice magic.


Very Very imprtant detail you just have to know at this point — Contracts and promises mean SO MUCH in this world, depending on the type, especially to Spirits and Spirit users! It was only scratched at here and there in the anime, like the time where Subaru made the promise to Emilia in the Capital, but it's absolutely a thing in this world. — Specifcally the Bet between Subaru and Roswaal is very binding, as it was explained to me (have yet to read that part myself), because it essentially was a contract on their souls, which is epsecially important for Subaru, cause it means he would have to follow it even after returning, and since Roswaal knew about the Return, Subaru essentially had to make that kind of absolutely binding bet to even get Roswaal to agree. Although, conversely, it also means that Roswaal has to follow it if Subaru does manage to fulfill the bet. (Though, on both sides, I wouldn't deny the possibility of loopholes and similar stuff still)


I mean, I think it's tomayto-tomato with the Echidna IF story. Not that Echidna is inherently malevolent, but having her voice in your head and as your only confidant is going to inevitably make you more pliant to her suggestions and advice. It's specifically bad with Subaru, but you can't convince me that taking that deal with Echidna would end up a net benefit for anyone except her in the end.