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In Re: Zero 2x18, The Day Betelgeuse Laughed, Regulus Corneus just tries to mind his own business as a series of injustices are perpetrated against him.




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VERY interesting theory tidbit i always think about, but if you remember way back in episode 17 of rezero season 1, Subaru is stranded by Otto (we will never forgive him) and left as food for the white whale, since with his miasma, the whale finds him very appealing, but very suddenly the whale just vanishes. many speculate that this was interference by Pandora given that she can just rewrite events with an unknown parameter. what her objective is in doing that, we aren't really sure, but it seems like a lot of her schemes are very mysterious. Many also speculate her to be the "final boss" of rezero, though that's just speculation on where the story is heading. if anyone is pulling strings beyond just Roswaal in the series to lead subaru into a sinister path, it's probably her.


Rewriting reality is too OP, there's gotta be some hidden flaw or else there's no hope 😅


Well without spoiling we know she can't just wish for ANYTHING, so there exists some sort of rule to what she can control. I feel like most likely it has to do with perception of ownership, where she can manipulate the actions and reality of things she believes are hers. If she's the leader of the witch cult, then she can basically do whatever she wants to it's members, even the archbishops

Vali Sippola

I love this episode. All of these trial episodes are just fantastic. Tons more lore and characterization, and more questions. The Betty and Ryuzu stuff is great. It’s a lot of setup and groundwork for their relationship, but it already gives us some insight into how Beatrice used to be, and maybe part of how she became who she is now. Plus more Echidna which is always great. Even with all of her scheming, I still love her. She’s just too good. Some lore bits, Regulus calls Geuse a “worthless spirit” in this episode. This gives an explanation to last episode when he spoke about his long lifespan, and also why Julius, the spirt knight, was the perfect opponent to fight him in S1. Also, when Geuse is about to plant the authority in himself, he says “Forgive me, Flugel-Sama.” We’ve heard that name before, it’s the name of the giant tree in S1, Flugel’s Tree. Just some more things to keep in mind. More Regulus greatness. People are just trampling all over him, it’s only natural that he reacts, right? They’re violating his humanity after all. He’s hilarious, while also being threatening and always on the verge of mania. Lots of great stuff with Fortuna, Emilia, Archi, and Petelgeuse of course, I love the convo that Fortuna has with Emilia before she gets sent off. And finally, Pandora. They call her the “Witch of Vanity” which isn’t among the seven deadly sins. But, hundreds of years ago, there were actually two additional deadly sins that are no longer in use. One being Acedia (Melancholy) and the other being Vainglory (Vanity). She’s such a fascinating addition, her personality is just as twisted yet compelling as the other witches and really does give off final boss energy. Great thoughts as always, I’m suuuper excited for the next ep. Another personal favorite of mine.


Great reaction this episode was a unique one for sure. Interesting that u think Fortuna might be Puck. My theory is that Puck is Emilia's real dad altho idk if that would make much sense since Puck is a spirit and her race are elves and Emilia is a half elf so idk. Also Greed is really something huh? Idk why Echidna didnt comment on greed as she is the witch of greed and he is the bishop of greed but oh well. Also i did find it funny when Fortuna came back u were like "bro this is not the time" xD and its hilarious because she and Betelguse live longer than normal humans so they had all this time to share their feelings and picked a moment where they are in real danger xD


Lol that's true. Having a lot of time probably added fuel to the excuses of not saying it earlier. So, I have to go back and check, but when I watched the previous episode that opens with Puck's narration, I thought to myself, "his voice sounds kind of different." Now that I've seen Fortuna both 1. Make a promise to never leave Emilia and 2. Call her Lia I'm wondering if they didn't switch it up for that reason. Though I'm probably way off


Ah so we meet the witch of vanity finally. Interesting to note is Re Zero is using more than the 7 deadly sins that remained through our history and are what pop culture adopted (such as Fullmetal or 7DS anime). The original idea of the "deadly sins" started with Evagrius Ponticus ideas of "8 evil thoughts". The "thoughts" or sins are: Lust, Gluttony, Pride, Greed(Avrice), Wrath, Sloth, Vainglory(Vanity), and Melancholy(Sadness). Nowhere is Envy mentioned. Pope Gregory the First later made some edits to the list, and it became known as the Seven Deadly Sins. He lumped in Melancholy with Sloth and Vainglory with Pride. He also added Envy as the last of the sins. I'm sure you can theorize some great fan theories out of that one 😉. If the author went deep enough to dig up the original list of 8 and used Vainity he likely is going off the list of 8 not the 7 deadly sins. Funny how the most mysterious and hated witch is Envy who wasn't even originally on the list of deadly sins.....


Interesting. Good for me cause the witches have been amazing, I'm happy to have more lol

Vali Sippola

Also another interesting theory, mentioning a possible Fortuna-Puck connection, there’s also valid theories on an Echidna-Puck connection in some way. The OVA opens with a vow or contract Puck has made, and in the veryyy early episodes of S1, Beatrice actually calls Puck “Brother.” It’s very specific terminology, and names and roles are extremely important in Re: Zero. Obviously nothing is confirmed, but it’s something to think about. There’s so so many threads that are woven into each other.


Definitely, I was just reflecting on your comment, specifically about the Flugel tree connection, and wondering if I have ever seen a show where there are this many overlapping connections between plot and character nodes

Vali Sippola

Yeah it’s kind of crazy. Re: Zero is already probably one of the most rewarding shows to rewatch with the context you can only get by knowing future information (much like Subaru himself ironically enough) I can only imagine what a full series rewatch will be like when everything is said and done.


For what it's worth, I had the same thought process. The anime has not clarified one way or the other yet.


I shouldn't have laughed at the corny jokes like the "just a regular corneas, です," but I did, haha. Random, but hearing this episode again made me wonder about something and look it up, and indeed, Archi's voice actor is Namikawa Daisuke, who you would know as either Oikawa from Haikyuu or perhaps more infamously Hisoka from Hunter x Hunter. :)


Thanks to this comment I got to re: experience the amazement and joy at the fact that Oikawa and Hisoka are the same actor. What a range this guy has. I'm impressed you picked that out

Aaron Ong

Re:Zero is so full of moments that just really hit you vividly. I remember feeling so hopeless throughout Season 2, like I actually carried a little depression around with me during the week it took me to watch it. Any who, I don't know why but no matter how many times I see it, the scene where Pandora just undoes Corneas' presence in the forest always brings a chill to my spine. Just the way it's done, so abrupt and uneventful - he's just not there, never was - is a real "what the f***" moment in this show for me. Super great reveal of a character's terrifying ability, done so nonchalantly. Reminds me of a certain Attack on Titan scene


The two extra sins are sort of obsolete in our modern world. Vainglory (translated here as Vanity) suggests bragging about your glorious victories in battle, and Melancholy, now called depression, is no longer counted as a sin.


Emilia's past happened 100 years ago, while Puck is over 400 years old, so I doubt is there any way of Fortuna and Puck being the same. Also, Beako calls Puck as her brother, and by the movie, we know that Puck was created or contracted by Echidna


Actually, as I am watching the anime for the first time along with you, for a second here it also crossed my mind that Fortuna might be Puck. The thought had never crossed my mind because the visual similarities just are not as apparent in the light novel - Puck's fur is the same color as Fortuna's hair. He also uses ice magic. He also calls Emilia Lia and his "daughter". I mean we know that it's technically not possible cause Puck is much older than 100 years (which is when this happened). But honestly at this point I also refuse to believe the similarities are a pure coincidence. Whether it will turn out to be some time loop shenanigans (who knows what Pandora wished for, seems possible) or just Puck taking a form that Emilia subconsciously wanted/ Puck acting like Fortuna because he does know about her memories, there is surely a reason. One more thing that stood out to me, though it was a line in the previous episode, not this one: Fortuna saying everyone in her family has mean eyes (or something along those lines). We also know another person whose family lineage apparently carries that trait. 🤔 Emilia is reportedly also not an elf but a half elf. It's all...oddly specific. Not that I know what it all means - I don't even tho I am in Arc 7 of the light novel, and this season of the anime is arc 4 I believe? - but it would certainly make sense to keep it in mind.


I think all in all, the witches we have met do not seem like absolutely horrible people (except vanity i guess, which, it bears questioning why she was the only one not around for Echidna's tea party...but I feel like Echidna doesn't even know her). Just very single minded. Echidna would do everything to satisfy her greed for knowledge. Envy seems obsessively...envious. Wrath really just gets angry over people being hurt etc etc. Outside of those "chatacter quirks" they do not seem irredeemable like the history of this world makes them out to be. Still pretty bad people don't get me wrong, but outside of their exaggerated character traits they do not seem like super bad people. Like even during Emilia's trial... Echidna doesn't seem to like Emilia (probably because of Envy), yet she keeps pushing Emilia in a way that will make her pass the trial this time it seems (like keep telling her it's better to go look at what happened with her and her mother now instead of what happened with Geuse). All of it probably still for her own gain (pursuit of knowledge), but she does not make it unnecessarily harder for Emilia.


By the way, my theory for now is that Emilia is the daughter of the Witch of Envy and whoever her dad is (I have my theories on that too but those stem from something that hasn't happened in the anime yet so I will keep that to myself for now). That her mother might be Envy is rooted in three things...her looks of course. The fact that we never see her real mom and they make sure Fortuna & Co never mention her by name. The fact she introduced herself to Echidna as a "witch's daughter" - which...how much exactly does she remember now? And then there is a fourth thing that closely connects to this theory: The seal is obviously the door and it's where the Witch of Envy is sealed away. The key is Emilia (that might or might not be confirmed at some point, I honestly don't remember). Emilia is the only one who can open the seal, being Satella's daughter (for some reason, idk, magic), and therefore she needs to be locked away along with the seal. Why with the seal? Wouldn't it be safer than to keep her as far away from it as possible? And to that I say: Yes, but somehow she is also what holds the seal together in the first place. I also think Emilia is so important to them because she might be the only one who can defeat Satella or make her disappear for good. So they wanna keep her save until the day comes where she is ready for that. Fortuna tells Geuse that if the seal is opened, the world will surely end this time. And the person people of this world seem to fear the most is Satella, meaning something she must have done must have been awful enough for people to still fear her centuries later. And finally, it would make sense why the Witch Cult is interested in it and Emilia (though I still haven't figured out why Geuse wasn't in on it then). Anyways...that's my theory before going to bed lol. I apologize for the lack of paragraphs, the web version of Patreon won't let me press enter without sending my comment...😥