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In Vinland Saga 2x11, The King and His Sword, Olmar battles to raise his ranking in the show from comical buffoon to sad buffoon.




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Thorfinn #2 really just embracing his role as stand-in son/punching bag. Imagine being given a nickname like Bug Eyes and just accepting it. Yes, I am Bug Eyes, you can tell by my extremely off-putting appearance.


Yukimura Twitter thread for 2x11 “Oh didn’t know it was morning! Well 10 hours ago Vinland Saga epsiode 11 ‘Kings and Swords’ was broadcast. I was aiming for this … I didn’t oversleep! The military seems to be very expensive. Money has to come from somewhere to feed the soldiers and buy weapons. Such was the same in Canute’s time. Denmark won the war, so they made the defeated English people pay for it, but it can’t be like that forever. This system allows people who are strong in war to receive money from weak countries. I always feel crazy, but the world has been doing this for a long time. But recently, after this long mistake, the atmosphere has finally changed to “Let’s stop that giant rule.” It’s starting to happen, but … Olmar, actually I really like Olmar. Such a stupid child. Cute as a stupid child. Hayashi-san, (Olmar’s VA who you’ll also know as Tanaka’s VA in haikyuu) please take care of that child. Bug Eyes! It’s your first appearance. Have you become a bad boy? No, it’s not bad, you’re honest, aren’t you. Bug Eyes is honest with himself. Such a child it’s even cuter.”


Nooo how could Olmar and Tanaka be the same person 😂 It's been interesting reading the Art of War while watching Canute's episodes. There are chapters devoted to the dangers of military expenditure


Love a VA with range 😄It’s always fascinating to watch Canute unfold through out this story. With every step making sense but you just can’t help but wanna shake him. While also knowing his title in history is ‘The Great’ … literally only two English kings have that title… also been meaning to read that as I’ve only read parts of it!

Alter Nate

That pig is lucky Olmar wasn't feeling his best. Otherwise he would've surely cut it in half at some point. #OlmarIsTheStrongest


The visual of Canute instantly chucking his sword on the ground straight after his fight with Wulf, paired up with the line “Kings are like swords” is just sheer perfection for me. With no need of a internal dialogue from Canute you can tell instantly tell how he is feeling about himself. Just as his sister Estrid said “But my Brother looks like he’s in a lot of pain.” Also Bug Eyes is finally here! Imagine that, with him looking much like our Thorfinn, being a slave, his ACTUAL name being Thorfinn and Leif decides to adopt him anyway when it’s not the one he is looking for. I know it’s easy to make a joke about this situation but I just find it soo sweet anyway. And our dear Bug Eyes isn’t being malicious about the fact Leif is still on the look out for ‘his Thorfinn’ but just calmly lets him know to not get his hopes up again. As for the ‘Bug Eyes’ nickname… well… seems like he’s fine with it 😄


Yeah as you mentioned the situation from a distance is kind of hilarious... This placeholder Thorfinn just waiting to be cast aside for the real one. But really it was great of Leif to rescue him and it seems like they have a solid relationship. Unfortunate nickname though


Honestly, as much as I like Thorfinn, I think I have come to prefer Thorfinn. Thorfinn is great and all, but when you compare him to Thorfinn, there is really no contest. I honestly don't know how anyone could choose Thorfinn over Thorfinn, but you'd be surprised. I guess not everyone can appreciate Thorfinn for being Thorfinn.


Thorfinn only gets a bad rap cause he is compaired to Thorfinn, so what if his eyes are normal he still is on his way to become a true warrior


I love how even though Canute is framed as an antagonist at this point very clearly, you can almost feel what is left of his heart in the decisions he makes.


We'll make better time to real Thorfinn if we lose some dead weight 😂


Small fun fact, you mentioned how the first episode of the show is called Somewhere Not Here, and this season actually has a song in the official soundtrack with that same title. As a side note, the music this season is truly incredible across the board. I've been listening to different songs again and again, I recommend checking it out when you're finished


Everyone knows Olmar could solo Goku if he wanted to, he's just holding back his power

Chris Sharpe


RoZiiii (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-15 19:55:24 Bug Eyes >>>>>>>> Everyone else in the show
2023-07-21 10:55:17 Bug Eyes >>>>>>>> Everyone else in the show

Bug Eyes >>>>>>>> Everyone else in the show