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In Haikyuu 4x19, The Ultimate Challengers, Inarazaki targets Nishinoya and must pay for their crimes.




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You’re about to enter maybe my favorite 6 episodes of television ever, I’m so excited for next week

Will Butler

I promise there's nothing special about Inarizaki's captain

Skyler Anderson

Literally the rest of the season is just peak after peak after peak. This entire volleyball match is just my favorite in the series so far.

Emman Reed

this is so great haha. Can't wait for the next one too.


really cant wait for 4x20 love that episode


Adding to everyone's hype for the next six episodes- off the top of my head, I remember tearing up at least 3 times throughout the rest of the episodes 😭

Ura Meshi

Looks like Chris Sharpes's pfp is coming into play next episode.


Don't worry, the only thing wrong with Kita (Inarizaki's captain) is that he was introduced way too late in the series.


I say this with absolutely no exaggeration. While the series has been absolutely spectacular up to this point, everything beyond this point right untill the last chapter, is the reason that it became my no.1 favourite fictional story. And that’s not to say that everything up to now hasn’t been amazing. Because it was. But from here Furudate absolutely perfected their story to such a height of perfection for me now that nothing else has touched it since. They completely honed their craft. Every now and then I evaluate if it’s still my no.1 and no matter what it’s still firmly there. I don’t know what the hell Furudate was on at this time but their weekly chapters did NOT MISS even once. As a inspiring writer I could only dream of being a creator like they are. And in most of their interviews they often humbly talk about how much they just winged it through most of it… exceptional really. I can’t believe we are nearly caught up to Haikyuu and Vinland 😭😭 My no.1 and no.3 stories and my no.1 and no.2 protagonists. It’s going to be pretty sad to lose them (for the time being at least)


Also in 3x10 Ushijima - “I wanted to say, “I’m stronger than you.” Is that childish of me? But I still wanted to say it.” Tendo - “Isn’t what drives most people childish in general?” You mentioning that you think Atsumu, and in turn Inarizaki, can be seen as childish instantly made me think of this quote. It’s definitely something I’ll comment about again later as we go further. Inarizaki are very near and dear to me and i can’t wait for you to go further into the match.

Chris Sharpe

Honestly, some of the stuff you have been saying about guts and stretching yourself just that little bit is really sticking for me, especially in this stage of my life.


2:25 "It would be poetic if [someone threw themselves in the way to dig a serve at Noya]." I think it'd be a little different. It's kinda the libero's job / role to dig whatever they can get their hands on to free up someone else to attack. The other way around would be a little demeaning, I think. That's what's tough about libero. They're the last line of defense; they can only save themselves. 2:40 I think what was thoughtless about Atsumu saying it feels really good to get a service ace off of someone strong is that he's saying that to a group with Aran, who's a strong player that Karasuno has gotten a few aces on so far. 17:25 "Just when I thought this fan section couldn't get any worse." --> I'm actually a little surprised to hear that from a New Yorker. My dad used to play for the Rangers, and Rangers fans would 100% do the same thing, especially if the goalie let in a weak goal. They'd definitely boo. [Edit: also Knicks fans]

Chris Sharpe

@Sacha Random thing I wanted to mention, there is a YouTube channel called Aleczandxr that does a LOT of video essays on Haikyuu. It’s his second favorite series (besides HxH) even after watching dozens (maybe hundreds) of anime. Seeing the thumbnails on those videos are what made me get into Haikyuu and the essays are amazing.


STOP IT!!! I NEED THE NEXT EPISODE NOW!!!! I love Inarizaki's captain, he's probably my most fav character outside of Karasuno. Adding to the hype as we near the end -- I can't believe it's almost over -- a few things will be coming back around so just try to pay attention to the details of the story so far!


@Chris Sharpe I LOVE alexzandxr’s videos! Discovered him through a dedicated Kimblee from FMAB video years ago and have been following him since. I also listen and watch his twitch streams when I have the time and it’s a series I’m interested in. He understands the series I love on such a fundamental level. And the fact that HxH and HQ are his faves is just a bonus.

Chris Sharpe

@Sacha I watch his streams too, specifically his one piece streams. Very enjoyable. Very different but also kinda similar to Goodwin. I think that’s why I like him so much. His videos also helped me appreciate HxH even more to where it is probably my #3 fav.


In that case I've probably witnessed the booing first hand though I can't remember. I can understand being disappointed by performance, but a group effort booing of your own team seems so counterproductive and something about it feels so low