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In Hunter X Hunter episode 8, Decision x By x Majority, the majority rules that Tonpa is terrible. Or is he?




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Chris Sharpe

It’s interesting that Tonpa likely could have passed the exam already. Since he knows the usual amount of phases of the exam, he’s likely gotten to the final stage multiple times. The fact that Tonpa SURVIVED 34 exams really says a lot, especially since I doubt he’s older than 50 and would have been quite young during his earlier exams. Tonpa neg diffs Hisoka and Netero confirmed.

Chris Sharpe (edited)

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2023-10-03 22:31:25 Some extra stuff I found out just now: Turns out Tonpa was 10 when he did his first exam, and it also means that he has likely been in exams with almost every hunter we will see in the show.
2023-10-03 16:42:07 Some extra stuff I found out just now: Turns out Tonpa was 10 when he did his first exam, and it also means that he has likely been in exams with almost every hunter we will see in the show. Edit: I also just realized that, even though you could be disqualified for killing other candidates in specific portions of the exam if you are caught, you won’t be prevented from taking it again. This means that it is very possible that Tonpa has directly killed other candidates himself, either secretly or being disqualified and taking the exam again next year.

Some extra stuff I found out just now: Turns out Tonpa was 10 when he did his first exam, and it also means that he has likely been in exams with almost every hunter we will see in the show. Edit: I also just realized that, even though you could be disqualified for killing other candidates in specific portions of the exam if you are caught, you won’t be prevented from taking it again. This means that it is very possible that Tonpa has directly killed other candidates himself, either secretly or being disqualified and taking the exam again next year.


So, I have unfortunately fallen down the rabbit hole of trying to find out whether the "left vs right" thing is actually backed up by empirical data. It seems that most of the "research" done on this is about as trustworthy and scientifically sound as the Hunter Exam, so probably not much should be believed, but there have been studies where researchers get animals or humans to run down a path that forks, and they find that the more dangerous the path leading up to that has been, or the more nervous the subjects (human or not) are, there is a greater tendency for them to go down the left fork. It's not a huge difference, and they aren't very large samples or well controlled studies, but it does seem to be a thing. The Japanese word for this is actually "Kurapika-theory" or クラピカ理論 (kurapika-riron), and if you search for that, you'll get all sorts of hot garbage science, haha.

macrowave (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-04 22:45:02 “He’s a bomber he’s probably a big nerd” LOL
2023-10-03 22:59:54 “He’s a bomber he’s probably a big nerd” LOL

“He’s a bomber he’s probably a big nerd” LOL

Reid Dawson

Fun fact, Kurapika and Daki (Upper 6) have the same voice actor.


Idk if it’s just me, but I always ended up thinking I was outsmarting somebody or whatever by choosing left; whenever lost, or just making a simple choice. I mean obviously anything can go either way but that is still interesting to think about.


Sorry, but is Tonpa not impressive? Even if he is weak by hunter standards, the dude would still be in the top 1% of people in the world. He has successfully survived 35 years' worth of exams despite being overweight and out of shape. Man's ran like 100 miles through the swamp, the same as everyone else, and jumped down into the ravine.