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In Hunter X Hunter 15  Explosion x of x Deception, Gon plays sniper on hard mode. Hisoka is backed up by an ally with very straightforward powers: poison needle shooting that doubles as holding his face in but also he's a vampire that sleeps in the ground?




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Chris Sharpe

In regards to Tonpa’s motivation, the answer is probably just option C: he’s just a sadist who likes to watch rookies fail.



macrowave (edited)

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2024-01-14 22:06:28 If I’m remembering right, next episode is one of my favorites from the exam arc
2023-10-24 17:28:34 If I’m remembering right, next episode is one of my favorites from the exam arc

If I’m remembering right, next episode is one of my favorites from the exam arc

macrowave (edited)

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2024-01-14 22:06:28 It’s hard to articulate this, but when I was younger I was someone who read into things people did a little too much, and it would make me so depressed or angry when others wouldn’t treat me how I would treat them. But I started to make an effort to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, and I even started making up excuses for others when they hurt me. I think a balance of that is good. I don’t let people walk all over me, but I’d rather be someone that others don’t have to be walking on eggshells around. To your story about the guy that you met that one night, I think if I was in your situation, I probably wouldn’t be too upset after the initial event. It’s just a random guy who probably thought he would never see you again. It’s a douchy move he pulled, but I could see how someone could justify it, especially if they had alcohol in them, without it being a sign they have a bad character. Though if something like that happened again, then I wouldn’t be hanging out around him. The way I look at it now is that he’s still in the middle of his story. Maybe he ends up feeling guilty enough about doing that so casually that he changes? Or maybe he does it over and over and over again to everybody he knows and nobody wants to be around him anymore and that causes him to change? Or maybe he just never changes. Who knows, but his story doesn’t have to affect mine. I’d rather dwell on people’s positive actions than their negative ones, if that makes sense? Like I said, it’s hard to articulate these things I’ve thought about, which is why I love your reactions so much because you’re a lot better at it than me haha
2023-10-24 17:38:59 It’s hard to articulate this, but when I was younger I was someone who read into things people did a little too much, and it would make me so depressed or angry when others wouldn’t treat me how I would treat them. But I started to make an effort to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, and I even started making up excuses for others when they hurt me. I think a balance of that is good. I don’t let people walk all over me, but I’d rather be someone that others don’t have to be walking on eggshells around. To your story about the guy that you met that one night, I think if I was in your situation, I probably wouldn’t be too upset after the initial event. It’s just a random guy who probably thought he would never see you again. It’s a douchy move he pulled, but I could see how someone could justify it, especially if they had alcohol in them, without it being a sign they have a bad character. Though if something like that happened again, then I wouldn’t be hanging out around him. The way I look at it now is that he’s still in the middle of his story. Maybe he ends up feeling guilty enough about doing that so casually that he changes? Or maybe he does it over and over and over again to everybody he knows and nobody wants to be around him anymore and that causes him to change? Or maybe he just never changes. Who knows, but his story doesn’t have to affect mine. I’d rather dwell on people’s positive actions than their negative ones, if that makes sense? Like I said, it’s hard to articulate these things I’ve thought about, which is why I love your reactions so much because you’re a lot better at it than me haha

It’s hard to articulate this, but when I was younger I was someone who read into things people did a little too much, and it would make me so depressed or angry when others wouldn’t treat me how I would treat them. But I started to make an effort to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, and I even started making up excuses for others when they hurt me. I think a balance of that is good. I don’t let people walk all over me, but I’d rather be someone that others don’t have to be walking on eggshells around. To your story about the guy that you met that one night, I think if I was in your situation, I probably wouldn’t be too upset after the initial event. It’s just a random guy who probably thought he would never see you again. It’s a douchy move he pulled, but I could see how someone could justify it, especially if they had alcohol in them, without it being a sign they have a bad character. Though if something like that happened again, then I wouldn’t be hanging out around him. The way I look at it now is that he’s still in the middle of his story. Maybe he ends up feeling guilty enough about doing that so casually that he changes? Or maybe he does it over and over and over again to everybody he knows and nobody wants to be around him anymore and that causes him to change? Or maybe he just never changes. Who knows, but his story doesn’t have to affect mine. I’d rather dwell on people’s positive actions than their negative ones, if that makes sense? Like I said, it’s hard to articulate these things I’ve thought about, which is why I love your reactions so much because you’re a lot better at it than me haha


Totally agree, he was just where he was and I can understand it. I think the pain of the interaction (and many like it) is not about the other person but more like being surprised that you were reading things so wrong, which creates a future potential threat (what else am I not seeing). Other examples of the difficulty of having a code of honor: not letting things advance with girls who have boyfriends knowing full well that if it's not me it's someone else and that other people might not be faithful to me, following etiquette in public which will mean other people without etiquette will benefit (like getting a seat on a train), etc. The right choice is often obvious a lot of the time and long term pays off but the incentives to the contrary are real! Especially in the heat of the moment. Being able to resist says a lot about the person for me

macrowave (edited)

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2024-01-14 22:06:28 I think so too, but I don't look at being surprised you've been taken advantage of for your kindness as a bad feeling to have. And I try not to look at it as something that shows someone's character, unless it's a pattern of behavior or something major. I think it CAN say a lot about someone, I just don't think it HAS to say a lot about someone to me, if that makes sense? Like with most things, there has to be a balance found. I don't want to encourage terrible behavior, but I also don't want to write someone off just because I didn't like what they did that one time, and I definitely don't want to use other people's exploitation of kindness as a deterrent to being kind anyway. There's a fine line, and I'm just trying (And doing plenty of failing lol) to get as close as I can to it
2023-10-25 00:28:54 I think so too, but I don't look at being surprised you've been taken advantage of for your kindness as a bad feeling to have. And I try not to look at it as something that shows someone's character, unless it's a pattern of behavior or something major. I think it CAN say a lot about someone, I just don't think it HAS to say a lot about someone to me, if that makes sense? Like with most things, there has to be a balance found. I don't want to encourage terrible behavior, but I also don't want to write someone off just because I didn't like what they did that one time, and I definitely don't want to use other people's exploitation of kindness as a deterrent to being kind anyway. There's a fine line, and I'm just trying (And doing plenty of failing lol) to get as close as I can to it

I think so too, but I don't look at being surprised you've been taken advantage of for your kindness as a bad feeling to have. And I try not to look at it as something that shows someone's character, unless it's a pattern of behavior or something major. I think it CAN say a lot about someone, I just don't think it HAS to say a lot about someone to me, if that makes sense? Like with most things, there has to be a balance found. I don't want to encourage terrible behavior, but I also don't want to write someone off just because I didn't like what they did that one time, and I definitely don't want to use other people's exploitation of kindness as a deterrent to being kind anyway. There's a fine line, and I'm just trying (And doing plenty of failing lol) to get as close as I can to it

Szandor Kane

While not a true "real life" example, your talk about kindness and taking advantage really reminds me of tabletop wargaming. Sounds odd, but bear with me. The rules are the rules, but they are lax enough that you can either give a lot of leeway to your opponent (or rather, the person you are trying to have a fun competition against) or be very strict about enforcing the rules all the way down to sequencing (which would be the equivalent of being a grammar Nazi). Both is perfectly acceptable within the rules, so these games tend to be a perfect training ground for finding a good middle between allowing rules hiccups and leeway for the sake of fun and enforcing rules once you get the feeling that your own kindness is not returned or being taken advantage of. Of course both paths can be rather extreme, because players tend to range from mellow and too forgiving (I tend to allow way too much and help my "opponents" since winning is secondary to a good game for me, often to my own disadvantage, unfortunately) to hardcore competitive, so it is easy to get burned by (what I would consider) a bad player that concentrates on winning alone at any cost, which always leaves a big hole in your chest when everything's said and done.

Chris Sharpe

Thank you for sharing this, I can see this is likely pretty personal for you. Honestly, for a while, even when I was much younger, I understood that a lot of these things can be done just out of ignorance or offhand without much thought, but I definitely came away with the wrong takeaway, not wanting to be a source for that and just being overly critical and purist in terms of my own thoughts because of the idea of accidental doing that kind of stuff. I dunno, I guess the idea of me doing this stuff just because of not thinking scared me to death and I think that made me a little hand-wavy in regards to people being assholes or no not.

Emman Reed

great reaction! Also fyi Killuas movements all are silent bc hes a cool killa. But yes I cannot wait for more!


Sorry late comment, but just I was thinking about this random tidbit earlier. Unless the examiner rigged the initial drawing (which they almost certainly did), then there'd be a greater than 60% chance of someone pulling their own number. You can see the stats on that here: https://blogs.sas.com/content/iml/2013/12/04/probability-of-pulling-your-own-name-from-a-hat.html That's one of those stats that seems super unintuitive, but it makes it difficult to recreate this type of activity if you ever try doing so yourself.

Szandor Kane

I'm sure Buu or Chiaotzu are somewhere in the wings, making sure everything goes as planned.