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Andreas Philbin was down on his luck. “The one time I find a ghost willing to tell me who their murderer was, people would actually believe me,” he grumbled as he flipped up the collar of his trench coat, trying to protect his neck from the cold winter breeze. Instead, the man behind it had spared no expense in ruining Andreas’s reputation, leaving him destitute. It had been months since anyone had reached out to him.

Looking up at the massive mansion, he only hoped this wasn’t another attempt to ruin him. He already had nothing left.

“So, you see, Mr. Philbin,” the young man in front of him began, “when this house came into my possession, I was not informed that it was haunted.” Andreas looked up at him with a degree of skepticism. The man was athletic, clean cut, with short black hair, high and tight, and had the bearing of someone who’d served in the military. “While I don’t expect you to exorcise the ghost, I would at least like to try to persuade it to no longer haunt this home.”

Andreas usually had the sense to tell when someone was lying to him. While he was certain this man wasn’t telling him the full truth, what he was obfuscating eluded Andreas. “Mr. Danielson,” Andreas began.

“Major Danielson, but, please, call me Michael,” the man said, interrupting Andreas.

“Michael,” Andreas continued, “I am willing to do my best; however, I make no guarantees. Most ghosts are unwilling to leave where they haunt.”

Michael smiled. There was something in his eyes that made Andreas doubt that Michael wanted the ghost to leave. “Nevertheless, this is my offer. Twenty thousand dollars for the attempt, with an additional thirty thousand dollars should you complete the task to my satisfaction. You have carte blanche to do anything to or with the contents of the home barring destruction of property. Do we have a deal?”

Andreas ran his fingers through his shoulder-length straight brown hair. That was more than enough that he could start over elsewhere. Hell, helping Michael might lead to more work. Looking up from his chair at Michael, Andreas nodded. “You have a deal.”

Michael had retired to his bedroom for the evening when Andreas began his investigation. He let his hunches guide him. Opening the door to what Michael had said was a guest room, he was surprised to find it decked out as a woman’s bedroom. A vanity sat to one side. There was a large walk-in closet. Making his way through the room, Andreas heard the sound of a woman laughing. It was a joyous sound. Such wasn’t typical for most ghosts. Meandering to the walk-in closet, he found elegant dressed, playful chemises, and other things far more daring. Andreas wondered if the room had belonged to someone’s mistress.

His fingers lingered on a pink, silk dress with black lace. “I loved wearing that,” he heard himself and the disembodied woman’s voice say. Andreas blinked. That was alarming. Goosebumps rose on his arms. He looked down at them and rubbed them away, only to find the hairs on his arms completely gone. He looked back at the dress. Was this what the ghost was attached to? “Maybe I should put it on,” he whispered, the ghostly voice echoing him. “Michael did say I had carte blanche.”

He was about to put the dress on over his clothes before he realized how silly that was. He kicked off his weathered boots, took off his shirt, and then his pants. He considered taking off his underwear as well. “After all, a woman wouldn’t be caught dead wearing those,” he rationalized. Standing there naked, he wondered what would happen if Michael walked in on him. A rush of heat ran through him, of anticipation of being caught.

Taking the dress with him, he walked back into the guest room, oblivious to the door of the walk-in closest closing behind him. He put the dress down on the bed and opened one of the drawers, knowing instinctively that bras and panties would be found inside. A matching set to the dress no less.

Andreas had little experience putting on a bra or taking one off, and yet doing so felt natural. “That’s because it is,” said the woman’s voice. Andreas agreed. As he leaned over to slide the panties up his legs, the feminine joyful laughter distracted him from noticing that the hair on his legs had also vanished. The bra, empty moments ago, was also growing fuller by the moment. He ran his hands over his bra-covered breasts. A moan escaped his lips, one that was higher pitched than before. Part of him wanted to play with his new, pleasurable, apple-sized breasts.

The thought of Michael, in his bedroom, though, was a bigger prize.

He felt himself move over to the vanity. As his fingers reached for lipstick, Andreas didn’t recognize his own face in the mirror. It was softer and narrower. Applying the lipstick to his bee-stung lips, Andreas gave a cute pout. He jutted his chest out. The bra was full now, with two grapefruit-sized breasts showing plenty of cleavage.

“This isn’t me,” a small, male part of himself screamed in his mind.

“Shush, silly. This most certain is me,” the feminine voice from earlier said out loud, her voice coming from Andreas’s lips. “And my name is Andrea, not Andreas.”

Standing up, the inner Andreas begged for this to not be real. There was no bulge in the panties he’d put on. Andrea made her way over to slide the dress down her arms, past her now trim waist, and around her now curvy hips. “So much better,” she said.

Moments later, she knocked on Michael’s door. Four knocks then two quick ones. Michael opened the door with a smile, naked from tip to toe, his massive cock erect. “Welcome back, my love,” he said. As Andrea sauntered in, her hips swaying enticingly, Michael smacked her rear.

Andrea winked over her shoulder as her bottom swelled outward, the back of the dress lifting a bit. “His mind was so weak, but his body was the perfect vessel,” she said with a seductive purr. “Now we have each other for another lifetime,” she said, slipping the dress off her body while Michael moved to sit on the edge of the bed. She moved to her knees and unhooked her bra, letting it fall to the floor before wrapping her melonous tits around his shaft. She licked the tip of his cock and smiled up Michael. “Thank you for bringing me back, my lord.”

Michael’s hand moved to Andrea’s hair, which had grown longer in the moments she’d been in his room. “No, in our room,” he thought. As she rubbed her tits up and down along his shaft, he couldn’t help but moan. Andreas had been the perfect sucker. The murder victim he’d found had been Michael’s previous host and the spirit had been Michael’s. Well, Michelle’s. Michelle had decided that he wanted a male form this lifetime but Andrea insisted on being female. Michael had been both over the centuries but Andrea was always Andrea and it was Michael’s place to bring her back.

Bobbing her head up and down Michael’s shaft, this was the wish Andrea had. She wanted to live forever as Michael/Michelle’s concubine. Michelle had saved her from a life of poverty and slavery, asking only for affection and giving her a life of luxury in exchange. She wanted for nothing and could have anything she wanted. Even immortality.

Andrea felt Michael tense and smiled around his cock. As the last part of Andreas vanished, Andrea delighted in the taste of Michael’s cum in her mouth, of the feeling of his cock against her tits, the safety of his physical hand on her head. She was back and she was real. Opening her mouth to show she’d swallowed every last drop, Michael smiled at her. Andrea moved up onto the bed and wiggled out of her panties. “So, what poor soul do we get to ruin next?” she asked, spreading her legs and cupping her breasts. “After all, why have it all if you can’t take more from those who don’t?”

Michael laughed. His corruption of her was complete. Moving between her legs, his cock already growing hard again, he filled her with a practiced thrust. “I imagine there’s someone else out there, Andrea. But it can wait until I’ve had my way with you. After all, I made you this.”

Andrea smiled, delighting in being physical. The only one she’d ever let control her was Michael. The feeling of him inside her was pure pleasure. For now, she’d wait and think of all the new things Michael would buy her.


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