Jill Tentacled Animation Extended 4K (Patreon)
2022-10-23 16:40:13
2023-08-16 16:06:38
Hello all! Here we have the extended version of the Jill tentacled animation with 8 camera angles in total. This version is exclusive for you guys as a thank you for all your support so far!
I've also expanded the audio and added more SFX, it was really fun extending this animation so I think I'll look at doing this more often going forward. I'll have a first version on here and for the public and then an extended version purely for supporters.
4K: https://drive.filen.io/f/4c88eead-31fc-412b-a5a4-488d1d9d7b3e#cQpWJo9RKrTKiSZnc7fvLNpjdWdENdu1