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Hello all! Here's the first progress update for Bimbate Vol 2, these shots are taken from the first animation loop I'm working on. 

I'll be creating an image comic set like the first volume as well as an animation, except this time I'm going to try and animate 2/3 of the poses from the set and render out 2/3 camera angles per pose. This is obviously going to make the release take a little longer but I think it will be worth it for the longer animation. If that goes well then I think I would like to revisit the Judy animation and create an extended version with extra camera angles and an extra pose for two. 

I'll have an initial viewport preview of the animation loop ready tomorrow and an update on how things are progressing on my custom Pee Bee model.

Let me know which other Cyberpunk characters you would like to see get the Bimbate treatment in future!




Is that Panam? It looks like she is loving the treatment! I would like to see Rita and Blue Moon get the treatment, too. Keep up the great work!


It certainly is Panam! She’s having a great time I’m sure. H those are good suggestions, I will add them to the list!


I don’t want to spoil the story too much but each of the ladies will be getting their own volume and the BD will have an affect on them in their real lives. I have some real life elements planned as well that won’t be BDs, part of that will be seen at the end of this volume.


As a thought, perhaps the Bimbate treatment can have a positive effect on Lizzie Wizzie if you choose to do a sequence on her. Given the direction her personality goes down during the game, the Bimbate treatment might be something positive for her mental well-being!


Oh that's a very intersting idea! I'll definetely look at exploring that in a later volume.