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Thor and Odin, the former lords of Asgard and now pretty girls, search for answers and discover-- BOYS!



Taylor Galen Kadee

Quiz Game! When I designed Jackson, the boy who wants to kiss Odin, I decided to use the face of a famous 80s actress as the model. Can anyone guess who?


I like this story so much that I deiberately slow down my reading pace, as for a good meal I want to fully enjoy... When writing this comment, I have only read half ot the story. One of your patron commented weeks ago that you do mental changes very well. I fully agree. Possibly it''s your best asset.


No idea... I suck at popular culture and half of my knowledge on this field comes from reading you then googling to understand the context... 🙂


But what I know is this episode is just precious. I love Odin's character. Also, I'm not a specialist but it seems to me you do a good job with camera angles. It brings expressivity to your pictures.

Taylor Galen Kadee

I feel like I got a better sense of camera angles as I went along with Trials of a Man. I try and find ways to make sure the image is doing as much work telling the story as the words!