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So, the computer I use to make all my renders, which has a lot of graphics power, crashed. On top of that, we got hit with a blizzard and high temps in the 20s (-6 celsius).  I'm trapped in the house and with no outlet for my creativity? It looked dire. It looked like I might go insane.

Not so fast! I dusted off my older, much slower computer, found a tasty clip and patched together this little ditty about a jerky guy about to learn an important lesson.


Oh, and I already had Monday's post done, and my computer will be back from the shop Monday so there will be more TG as long as I don't turn into an icicle!


Blondie by TGCooper-TGKadee on DeviantArt



Cute! And she’s a Swiftie now!

Taylor Galen Kadee

It's going to be so embarrassing for her to beg her father, who taught her to play sports and be a man, to buy her tickets to the Taylor Swift concert.


Even without computer you would write great stories. ✍️

Robyn Hoode

Thanks for converting the temperature into English. Here in the UK, I'm dying for the temperatures to get back to 20 deg (C). :)

Taylor Galen Kadee

Thanks. I used to write my rough drafts in notebook and then type them into the computer after, so I know it can be done.

Taylor Galen Kadee

Lol. Me, too. It’s supposed to get up to 4.5 to 5 here tomorrow which after days at -6 will feel like summer.