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Hello everyone! Happy beginning of the last month of the year! I can't believe how fast time moves, i think that i learned a lot of new things this year and also left a lot of projects on stand by. 

I'll be updating the wiki pretty soon, if everything goes well this week i should be abled to add maybe 3 new characters, also some of you have ask me if you could add your own characters so i will making something like a prefab document for everyone to download, this document will have everything i need in order to add your desire character into the wiki, keep in mind that in order for your character to be added to the wiki there are some restrictions, the main one it's that i need to have done some pictures featuring your character.

Hopefully the document will be ready next week.

Lastly make sure to send me your commission idea for this month! Since i was sick most of last month i'm pretty sure i missed some commissions if this is your case please let me know so that i can work on them as soon as possible :)

Also i have been making some tests with the new features that the patreon app has implemented mainly the group chats, if you haven't check it out make sure to do so, i asked everyone what kind of things you would like to see in the future, some of those ideas will be implented in the coming weeks. 

That's all i have in mind atm so i just want to say that thanks a lot for all the support, i hope that you have a very good month of december! :D (I need to start thinking what i'm going to do for this year's christmas picture...)



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