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> Pixiv R18 Ranking charts (February 21th 2022): MANGA RANK #37 (TOP 100)
> Pixiv R18 Ranking charts (February
20th 2022): MANGA RANK #42 (TOP 100)


Greetings everyone!

Thank you so much for your patience in these two months! Raven has been my biggest project so far, and I did the most to include as many suggestions/improvements from the feedback surveys as possible. The main one was: including more poses and expressions, among other ideas.

I want to offer my deepest gratitude to all of you, my dear Patrons, for supporting and believing in my work all this time. I want to thank +Darknes_Avenger+ and Card for helping me proofread the English text with their excellent advice that I know I can count on. Thank you so much for everything! Please, enjoy!

- FeSt




A really great story. But how about an extended story or a prequel of starfire as a latex drone?


Could work as a prequel, perhaps a brief image. How do you think StarFire may react...? Thank you for reading! :)


I don't know how she might react, but I'm sure you'd come up with a great story for that too. :)


Hehe, it means a lot. Thank you very much for believing in my work. I'll think on something for the future. :)

Bat 9008

I really enjoyed the read on this one and hopefully that will be one with Starfire soon

Erika Lan

That was amazing. I loved all of it. This is basically the best representation of how I enjoy droning that I've seen on the web, No objectification, no loss of identity... Just loss of control mixed with tight latex and completely controlled consent. I'd take Raven's spot any day if I could....


Thank you very much for writing this, Erika! You mentioned EXACTLY what I wanted to communicate with this proposal on droning. The best thing is that this approach allows us to customize our droning experience. Who knows? Maybe with Neuralink or something like that, we can experience it in the future. Controlled consent is a solution to the main issue I've seen with droning. Hopefully, we can enjoy more~


I love this art, also i really wanted to see some assimilation corruption fall