Raven (DC Comics) LATEX Drone - (Complete + Extended + HiRes + Wallpapers) (Patreon)
> Pixiv R18 Ranking charts (February 21th 2022): MANGA RANK #37 (TOP 100)
> Pixiv R18 Ranking charts (February 20th 2022): MANGA RANK #42 (TOP 100)
Greetings everyone!
Thank you so much for your patience in these two months! Raven has been my biggest project so far, and I did the most to include as many suggestions/improvements from the feedback surveys as possible. The main one was: including more poses and expressions, among other ideas.
I want to offer my deepest gratitude to all of you, my dear Patrons, for supporting and believing in my work all this time. I want to thank +Darknes_Avenger+ and Card for helping me proofread the English text with their excellent advice that I know I can count on. Thank you so much for everything! Please, enjoy!
- FeSt