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We Really needed to watch this , thank you guys!



Thank you so much guys!

Bella Bae

Guys penthouse tonight?


thank you guys, i will watch this, its late so i will do it tomorrow. but i just wanted to tell you that dont forget to watch lost girl OVA together with iles noteboo, also before watching season 3 part 2. lost girl is suposed to be watched after the first part of season 3. i left the link in the last episodes too.

Bella Bae

I lost the counting because I am excited, thank you for today's uploadings guys


Thank you so much Lenny!❤️

Mapsy ☃️

This actually shows that even Levi could lose his calm, it's just that he's been through this many times he's become numb. The whole thing of asking them to believe in him and him doing so is just like the time the Levi squad asked Eren to believe in them , which he did but they also ended up dying. And they both were left blaming themselves . And Erwin is just a natural born leader, really admirable. I can't wait for you to get to the other episodes