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"Oops, slippery floors here in the library <3" Help the lady up, won't you!

Second pinup of October done! Hope you enjoy it :') Unusually early too, eh? All just to make sure I can get the November pack done before I leave for Florida in the middle of next month!
So November's pack is going to be me cleaning up 2 sketches from prior packs so if there are any sketches that has yet to be cleaned up and colored that you want to see me do, let me know below!

This full, high resolution (4435x3569) pack will be sent to you once your pledge has been processed at the start of November! It'll have 32 versions <3.
You can get a hold of previous Hi-Res pinups over on my Itchio Account: https://mleth.itch.io/ (uploading packs from Gumroad continously)

Thanks for all your continued support!



Denny D

Wow this is so good


Looks great - thank you for letting us spend Oct in the Library with Kim ❤️


Thank goodness the floor can slip her clothes off too 😤


That's a dangerous and sexy library 😲


She's brown, I'm down🥰

Nature_ Laughslast

Brooke is mischievous but Kim is just dangerous (unintentional or otherwise).


I'd certainly "help" her pick up that mess Horny asides you did really great on this!

Mr Plum’s world 1999

For the fifth picture: ‘Helps Kim up, only to place her on the desk, pull down our trousers and proceeds to commence coitus with her as she softly moans in ecstasy.’ Great art by the way. (P.S: Kim is an absolutely beautiful woman, just as much as Brooke.)


Gettin' steamy in the library! Good thing there's almost no one around! Thank you!

Mr Plum’s world 1999

When it comes to your art, things are bound to get steamy with your ladies. Especially in those sauna ones you did a while back.

D'Artagnan Wayland

Oh I am so going to look over whatever books she's reading XD