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I really enjoy reading through the comments on things like this, so I thought it'd be fun to learn what you guys' first foray into Japanese cartoons was... You know mine was DBZA, as it was you guys that talked me into it.

Oh, and by the way, I keep forgetting to remind everyone that if you like hanging out in Discord servers, I've been making time to be in ours more. Even when I don't have time to chat, I like going in quick to see what's going on and to have some laughs at memes and such. The address is: https://discord.gg/74bcjvq2xg 


Tyrone Wayne

Naruto like many other people 😂

Nico andHades

My first anime growing up was Yu-Gi-Oh. I had the first season on DVD

Maximus Slayer III

Attack on Titan and Parasyte kind of at the same time

Jarrod Atkins

Pokemon, DBZ, Inuyasha and Yu-Gi-Oh were the biggest ones for me growing up! Sometimes Yu Yu Hakusho if 6 year old me stayed up past bedtime! I'd be glued to the TV for hours watching anime with my brothers.

vince laureano

Digimon and Yugioh cuz of Jetix and Fox Kids

Ocean Flan

Pokemon as a kid and as I entered my teenage years Naruto! I gad to catch them on TV until I eventually found them on the internet. It was magical to watch them weekly on TV I will say.


Pokémon for sure, back before I even knew what anime was.


Digimon. I feel like sometimes people don't count the kids shows, but it already felt different to me as a kid. Western shows aimed at kids just felt so much younger. Even as censored as it was in the US, the heavier topics it trusted its young audience with still got through.

Ariel Causey

Inuyasha- though I might have seen a few episodes a Yu-Yu Hakusho before that, Inuyasha pulled me in to seeking out the manga lol




The real ones got started on anime when cartoon network became Toonami at 7pm(ET) 👌🏼 Dbz, ruroini kenshin, and Yu Yu Hakusho


My first 3 anime that I watched consistently when I came home from school were Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon, and Pokémon.

Patrick Ganley

Pokemon is the original anime for me. It got stale over the years, but the first season was great.


One could argue if Toonami never existed, many of us be on this Patreon right now lol 🙏🏼

Jared Taylor

Pokemon. Dragon Ball Z and Yu-gi-oh followed soon after.

Mighty Snake

Naruto it came out just as I was old enough to understand it and as a child of immigrants I actually learned a good portion of english from naruto, believe it!

Ariel Causey

I just remembered that when I was in preschool/kindergarten, I liked watching Tranzor Z (I think it’s also known as Mazinger)

Peter Milligan

Depends if you count pokemon/yugioh. I was pokemon diamond and pearl and YuGiOh 5D's if so. Otherwise I think either season 1 of One Punch man (almost as it was coming out) or Season 1 of Attack on Titan but I don't remember for certain.

Ruuji Hasegawa

I distinctly remember my cousin showing me Naruto during the Chunin exam, Rock Lee VS Gaara, enough to say that was enough to get me hooked for life lmao


DBZ and Pokemon were my first as a kid. Although i didn't really get into anime until I was in college. I was at my friend's house and he started watching some anime and it caught my interest. I ended up watching one of them when I got home. Lucky Star was the one I watched and something clicked and then I just started watching anime after anime. I've loved anime ever since.

Raven Yhelka

My very first, I do believe, was Sailor Moon I was around five or so years old. I remember my dad, for my birthday, giving me the moon stick Sailor Moon uses. From there, it was like Dragonball Z, Inuyasha and so on. Remember going to Blockbuster and renting out a VHS tape of the Namek saga of Dragonball Z. Having to wait sometimes months before knowing what was going to happen next, not like how it is today where you can get the episodes same day as Japan..


Castle in the sky. Also my favorite, I used to watch it on my grandmas VHS player so much I ruined the VHS tape. I first watched it at the age of 4 and was hooked on anime ever since.


Allow me to tell you my anime Journey. 1) first anime I ever watched was the episode of Dragonball between goku and Jackie Chun specifically the great ape ep. 2) 2nd ep of anime I ever saw was gohan vs freeza on namek after goku went super saiyan 3) the 3rd ep of anime I saw was goku and vegeta inside buu saving their sons and piccolo where I thought “wow gohan(goten) sure looks different and since when was Yamcha goku’s son”. 4) 4th anime ep I swear was Lee vs gaara at chunin exams. Then things got messy stay with me. I swear to god and I can’t find the ep so maybe my mind pulled trick on me but the 5) 5th ep of anime I saw was this ep of idk what anime but this dude got killed and turned into a frog 6) 6th ep, I was at my aunt it was 2007/8 but again, can’t remember the anime but good guys were on a mountain fighting some ppl snow boarding. Then my parents with their wisdom thought “tv and internet bad” and canceled it for 7 years so eventually when I got it back I rewatched dbz and naruto in their correct order but never found those last 2 ;(


If we're being technical, then it would be yugioh or pokemon, but that was more of me, as a kid, watching a show that was on TV, when I became conscience of anime/manga, my 1st was either bleach or naruto (I don't remember which, cause my mom bought me a whole box full of naruto/bleach manga cause I loved to read when I was 10 or 11, and i don't remember which I started reading 1st) and those 2 series were what introduced me to manga and anime and the amazing world surrounding it.


Mine was Naruto then one piece got me hooked on the genre 😄


Well, I watched Naruto and Dragon Ball Z on toonami before I knew what the term "anime" was. Once I got older and started other animes, I started Fairy Tail and Death Note around the same time.


Technically Moomin, then Pokemon/Digimon/YuGiOh/Beyblade/etc. "Saturday morning cartoons". When I was around 11 I watched DBZ on TV as part of the aforementioned "cartoons"... I learned about anime as a concept when I was in middle school and Naruto and Bleach were among the first series I watched.

Cody Archie

Mine was called Eureka 7 super great anime and I was ganna sponsor that show for the Goosh. But it was on Funimation and sadly it was not a show that got carried over to crunchy. So here's to hoping it will definitely my favorite anime as well.


Pokémon but DBZ was the first that I watched every day before/after school. Also Yugioh and Beyblade but one show that never gets love is Medabots I don't know if the show holds up but the designs of the bots are so good


Dragon ball Z which I thought was a western cartoon lol

Greg B

DBZ, Pokemon, and Yu-Gi-Oh


Original Dragon ball. I'm old lol. First episode I saw was introduction of Tien at the second tournament. I loved it thought it was funny. It was the second anime Cowboy Bebop that made me realize anime wasn't just a kids thing.


School rumble it's a pretty old anime most people have probably never seen it

Alpha Maeko

My first anime was Dragon Ball Z. I didn't know what an anime was back then. My first "official" step into anime was with Sword Art Online.


As a kid: Pokemon, Yugioh DBZ, Beyblade, Digimon. When I first got into anime fully, a show called Rizelmine.


For some reason I found my self on youtube and found anime there. Back then you could watch entire shows you just had to spend alot of time looking at different channels for different parts of an episode of a show. So I'd be spending alot of time looking for like part 3 of 5 of episode 7 for a show. For youtube the only show I can now Remember was called the world of narue. Later on I found Kenichi and desert punk on Netflix. Eventually I learned the majesty of sailing the high seas.

Phillip Ribbink

Well if we're talking first ever, it's probably Pokemon when I was 5. Rented a VHS with three episodes from our local Video/Convenience store. But most wouldn't count that, since Pokemon was one of those shows that everybody dabbled in at one point for my generation. If we're talking the first Anime I ever watched from start to finish, knowing what Anime was? That'd be Baccano! Which I discovered by going on Funimation's website back in the day. After learning about it from Shonen Jump an English release of the Manga Magazine. Which was advertising Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood which I had just started collecting the Manga of. I went onto the Funimation site, basically looked for series where you could watch episodes for free onsite. The first two episodes of Baccano!, were available and the rest is history. I think I was about 12 or 13 at the time. I lied about my age in the bit where they asked if you were 16 or older.

Neil Wilson

Digimon, Pokemon, then one piece and DBZ

Fuck Google

Galaxy Express 999 and Unico.


It was either Pokemon, Yuyu, or DBZ.

Chandler LaDeau

As a lot of people have said, technically Pokemon and YuGiOh but that was back before I even knew what anime was. Then I learned what anime was right around the time Naruto first started airing....and after hearing Naruto shout "Believe it!" For the 4th time in 5 minutes, my small child brain decided that all anime was shit and swore off of it until junior year of high school when a friend got me into a show called Midori Days. I've thought many many times about sponsoring it, but it's like okay at best in hindsight. It still holds a special place in my heart, but it's very very "just okay" lol.


I think It may have been "Attack No. 1 " (That volleyball series) or "Ganbare! Kickers" (That soccer series). I remember seeing them on early 90's TV. But I also remember, that I watched them waiting for Bravestarr or Galaxy Rangers to start, lol

Raven Yhelka

Oh my god, now that's an anime I haven't seen in years. I came across it on YouTube, and while strange, I thought it was cute for what it was. Probably around the time i was into Shugo Chara

Chandler LaDeau

I'm pretty sure I also saw it on YouTube. And then that same friend showed me Negima! for the first time immediately after that and that show is also good but not great lol. Still love em both tho


In Poland, the first anime showed in TV were Dragonball and Pokemon, later Bakugan, Yu-gi-oh, Digimon etc. and finally when i was like 12, they showed Shaman King and Naruto, but with polish dub, omfg this was so awful, cause i was already watching it in japanese with english subs, dattebayo was translated to "kumalski" and you can't even fckn imagine how bad it is XD


Naruto in 2020 for me

Rigid Rat

Dragonball Z on good ol Toonami!


Definitely Pokémon. I think I still have a few of the original V.H.S tapes kicking around. Although that was still considered cartoons, when I was younger. My first real step into anime was probably "Knights of the Zodiac."


The first time I was introduced to anime was someone brought to class an episode of the (I believe) Harmony Gold dub of OG Dragonball (you know the one where they changed Goku's name to zero). First series I actually actively watched and knew was anime was DBZ on Toonami. But if I want to get technical then the very first anime series I saw was Voltron (specifically Lion Force). Of course back then I just thought of it as another cartoon and had no idea of the rabbit hole that awaited me :)

All Might

Probably Yugioh back in 2002-2003.


My first anime (aside from my cousin having Naruto on in the background) was Soul Eater. A friend recommended it for months before I caved in and watched it. He kept going on about how funny Death the Kid was and I thought "that sounds like an entertaining villain" not knowing he would be one of the main heroes. Right after I moved on to Bleach, which I remembered my cousin having an episode on and describing it as "like Naruto but with tons of blood." It turns out Soul Eater was basically combining Naruto's goofy cast (especially Black Star) with Bleach's Shinigami premise. While watching Bleach on whichever sub/dub episode was available on youtube, I assumed it would be a similar length to Soul Eater, until I saw in the recommended/related videos was episode 367, then my mind was blown that something could be so long. I proceeded to watch 5-20 episodes per day until finishing, only skipping one of the karakura town episodes because it happened right in the middle of some tense cliffhanger and I just wasn't putting up with that. Then I moved on to Death Note, and after that Code:Geass since it was similar to Death Note. I binged CG in 2 days on youtube on a channel that uploaded the videos in 5 episode batches, and they were the superior versions with both dub voice a ting and Pizza Hut product placement


Not counting things like Pokémon or Card Captor Sakura (since to my kid brain those were just cartoons) The first anime I watched knowing what it was, was Bleach


If you mean the after school stuff, then it would've been Pokemon, Digimon (up to Tamers, that one is pretty good. They gave it to the guy who wrote the Dark Ocean episode from the previous series. He was into the Cthulu mythos so it came out pretty dark and edgy for a kids show) and Dragon Ball Z. I also saw a couple episodes of Sailor Moon, but don't really remember it. I didn't even know those shows were japanese until someone asked a teacher of mine about it and he gave reasons of why he didn't like japanese animation. Aside from those shows, my first anime would have been Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Gundam Seed, and Fullmetal Alchemist (2003) on Adult Swim. I also caught Seed at the tail end with no context, right where it escalates from race war to "let's see who can commit nuclear genocide first" so that was pretty wild.


Dbza if it counts

Todd Zino

Death note! And I instantly fell in love

Miklar Sihn

My first was Love Hina, followed by Gantz. So a sweet comedy harem, followed by one of the darkest anime ever. After that came Black Lagoon and Code Geass.

Florian Krause

If it counts as a kid Pokemon, wasn't aware off anime as a medium. But activly it was Naruto I think


A MUST watch classic. Catchy openings too


Either Yugioh or Pokemon with Yu Yu Hakusho coming up the rear


I'm not really INTO anime, as I try to stay away for my own good o.o But as a kid I used to catch Sailor Moon on TV sometimes. It sure did awaken something in me.


There used to be a whole after school anime blog on German TV in the late 90s early 2000s, so I can not swear what was first, but the first I remember seeing was the OG Dragonball (we got it in Germany in the right order).

Ian McBride

I watched a ton of DBZ as a kid but Death Note was my first time watching a complete anime.

Lewd Angel

On TV? Yugioh. Actually watching and getting into anime online? Soul Eater


I can't remember but I know it was an anime on TV so it should be one of those: OG Dragonball, Yu-Gi-Oh, Digimon, Beyblade or Ranma 1/2. I wasn't really a Pokemon, Naruto or One Piece boy but I think I became an hardcore anime fan later with shows who have a deeper and or darker story like Death Note, Higurashi, A Certain Magical index, Another, Shakugan no Shana and so on but that's probably just my personal preference.

Jeff Jefferson

First anime I watched was Elfen lied back when I was 12.


First for me was the Hellsing TV anime that released before Ultimate


My first was actually Sailor Moon, when I was in kindergarden, since that was the first Anime, that aired over here in Germany. Some time after that was Pokemon.

Daniel Gonzalez

Honestly I think it was either Macross (bastardized as Robotech) or maybe Super Campeones aka Captain Tsubasa I didn't even know it was anime back then I legit thought Super Campeones was about Mexican kids like because they loved soccer looking back at the clearly Japanese houses its obvious now but basically I watched a bunch in Spanish back then also remember Ronin Warriors back then