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As Tyrion observed, there ain't no stopping the Starks from kicking ass now! This is gonna be bloody!

I WATCH GAME OF THRONES AT MAX: https://play.max.com/show/4f6b4985-2dc9-4ab6-ac79-d60f0860b0ac



Georg Eide

The series really picks up from here; I'm happy with the speed so far. I've been somewhat concerned about your post-concussion syndrome and the long stretches of time between initial episodes, since there are so many things to keep track of in this show. Already excited to see part 2 of this episode! Thank you for the entertainment, Curtis; it's really relaxing after a long day at school.😊


Yoren, the guy who took Arya with him cuts her hair up and keeps calling her "boy" because he does not want anyone to bad touch her. Yoren is smart and a badass. The Hound actually saved Sansa's life. Had she pushed Joffrey, she'd be executed. He also did not like what Meryn Trant did to Sansa and he is not fond of Joffrey. "The King In The North" Is such a moving scene. And GreatJon was correct: they swore fealty to The Targaryens, who no longer rule. Mind you aligning with either Stannis or Renly would greatly better their chances. Of course, the problem would be what comes after, since both would want the north as part of their lands. Tyrion summed it up perfectly and Tywin, while a spiteful man, is not incompetent. He knows Tyrion is smart and he knows he does not compromise. He also knows his grandson is out of control and that Tyrion is his best option at getting Joffrey to stop making matters worse for them. Tywin is mediocre at battle strategy, but he's a brilliant statesman.


All we have to do is fill him in in the comments if he forgets something. He managed with Naruto and One Piece. I think he can manage with this XD

Heavenly Demon

So I'm not done with the video. At the part when sansa has to look at the heads on spikes. There is George Bush head up on a spike to with the others little Easter egg sort of. I didn't see any other comment mentioned bush heads up there next to Ned's

Heavenly Demon

Curtis saying this show is brutal. Awww you sweet summer child you haven't seen anything . This is the good old days lol