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Probably not a good idea to get Tentacruel all pissed off and looking for vengeance!

I WATCH POKEMON INDIGO LEAGUE AT NETFLIX: https://www.netflix.com/title/70297439



Lad Breaks

After the events of September 11, 2001, this episode was taken out of rotation. In the months following the attack, Kids' WB! refused to air it due to the destruction of several buildings (particularly Tentacruel smashing a skyscraper) and the use of machine guns. When Cartoon Network started to air Pokémon, the episode was put back into rotation. It was also temporarily banned for several weeks in 2005 following Hurricane Katrina, due to it featuring a flooded city. A later episode called: "Tower of Terror" was also temorarily banned becuase of 911 most likely due to the name of the episode.


So Nastina's cousin seen at the end of this episode is named Brutella, who was the main "Villian" of the episode (She owned a rival resturant to the resturant that Ash and Co were helping out at cause they accidently destroyed the guys dock with a boat, it's actually what you see her building at the end of this episode). I'm thinking of saving up some money and if I can find a site that has the banned episode I'm thinking of potentially sponsoring it, will be a bit tho if I decide to go thru with that lol.


So there was actually an episode between the giant robot Pokémon episode and this one, but it's one of the episodes that unfortunately kind of got banned in English lol, it was a swimwear beauty contest episode were Ash's mum and Professor Oak came to visit Ash and the gang on the beach, Misty ended up competing in the contest to help raise money for a restaurant in debt, team rocket joined the contest, both of them, it was banned in the west because James crossdressed and um... well he had inflatable boobs that he made bigger, Team Rocket teased Misty about being flat... it's a different episode lol.


Yeah, you'd be surprised just how many movies and shows were affected by 9/11. Lilo and Stitch, Monster's Inc, Spider-Man, even SpongeBob. I also heard that a movie featuring Jackie Chan got scrapped that was about him thwarting a terrorist attack at the World Trade Center