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Ash showed maturity in allowing Butterfree to go out there and get procreating!

I WATCH POKEMON INDIGO LEAGUE AT NETFLIX: https://www.netflix.com/title/70297439



Mason Brinkman

Im 34 and this episode still gets me choked up


yeah... just to let you know since I'm a mod, if you ever comment on youtube you're getting banned, is it that hard not to spoil?


Patreon really should hurry up and give mods the ability to remove comments lol. still... is it that hard not to spoil, why ruin the fun for everyone else? You know, something that kind of surprises me going back to this episode, the other trainers really aren't a factor in this episode, like at all, like, we briefly see the pink Butterfree's trainer at the start... and that's about it, like even when Team Rocket attacks we don't even get a reaction from them. it's nice to see Ash mature a little though, and do what's best for his pokemon.


Hey, I tried replying on mobile earlier but it wouldn't go through. I wanted to apologize for my lack of judgment earlier. I got choked up rewatching this episode and wanted to know what happens, and I got some comfort from knowing—comfort I wanted to share with others knowing that some other people feel the same way. It won't happen again!


I get that, but please don't do it again, it's a reaction, you kind of ruin the fun if he knows what happens before he sees it.


Catching up on these and I also used to wonder why Brock never hit on Jesse once lol