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A fantastic new story by Curious4ever

Illustrated by Chica

(story attached as PDF in original english and DeepL translated german version)




It has become a wonderful story. I also like the connection to the first part. Thank you

Maxwell Stevenson

This was such a blast! And it complement perfectly with the previous chapter about Tupper. I'm really fond of this swapping mechanic and the slowly effect that the mirror has to their visitors, exchanging their knowledge and their memories. The focus on the psychological aspect of the transformation is really well done and it shows perfectly Chip/Chipper's journey into becoming a better squirrel that the previous one was.


glad you liked it so much. I loved it too. Always great mental changes and cute things happening. I am sure people look forward to your next story too.


A fantastic sequel and I can't wait for the next one. It was so great seeing another boy travel through a mirror and enter that other world. And so far everyone has benefitted from the experience, not just the boys but the animals that took their place in the human world. And in addition to the story I also loved all of the marvelous illustration. You both make a terrific team. Keep up the amazing work.