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Hello everyone. Feel free to ignore this post. It will only contain a brief summary of what has happened for the last months, and try to explain how things are going and what can you expect in the future.

I'll try to not be extra wordy, and go right to the chase. It's been a hard year. While being a father is great, it has been a big, big change in my life. It has been turned upside down, and my relationship with my wife has been the main source of trials and tribulations.

Her birthing process was a bit difficult even if it ended happily, as in, no one is dead, and every injury can be healed with time. But it has not been easy on her, despite all my efforts to help her as much as I possibly can while juggling work, baby, and family matters (Single aunt died in an accident a few weeks after the kid was born, adding an extra layer of problems that were unavoidable and had to be dealt with, which kickstarted a series of negative events in my personal life that I'm still trying to fix) and as a result I've been overwhelmed by the new, never ending wave of issues and problems.

Only recently, like last month, things have started to get back a bit into "normality", with much work and time investing, visiting professionals that can help us in this new situation, and generally not giving up and trying to restore what has been broken in this household.

I'm determined to make things work, but it's taking it's toll on me. These last few weeks I've not managed to, for example, make a new poll (or finish the final montage of the Ace Attorney poll, or make the montage for the timelapse of the Shego poll, unability to find a proper window to stream... And so on)

What I'm trying to say is, that I'm infinitely grateful for your unwavering support. I didn't know how things would fare since I've been barely scrapping by every week, but you guys are as headstrong as I, by not giving up on me either.

I feel really, really lucky that this community is still pushing me forward even when I've been in the verge of collapsing myself. So once again, thank you for your infinite patience and support.

You are all truly wonderful.

God bless you, and catch you next Sunday. Enjoy the spooks of this season!

Have a good night. Love you.

Here's what I could make working a few hours in the night for a few days. I'll collab with a friend, so you will see this one colored next week, so stay tuned for it!



Strength and courage, El. There's a saying that I heard my dad (American) say: "This too shall pass." Good, bad; tough times, happy times. Even though times are tough, it'll eventually even out. We know you're giving your effort where it needs to be given. Just keep giving it your best and you'll find your equilibrium!

Rob Rodriguez

You have diligently provided multiple updates a week even while going through all this, if you need to take some time to deal with real life you have my support, hope things continue to change for the better!

Quiet One

I'm not always good with my words but I just want to say that I just want to wish you and your family all the best.


Thank you very much El, hopefully it all works out.

Gopher Chucks

I'm glad you've been able to tame the shit tsunami into a shit monsoon, at least. Stay strong, brother.

Teague Packard

Take your time on both art and family life. But mostly family.