Pokemon team - Yaru (Patreon)
-- English --
Talking to Yaru about pokemon (a topic she likes and knows a lot about), the idea came to mind of what she would look like in a bondage suit of one of them (what can I say...guilty XD), and we started thinking about pokemons that could fit the species of their character by choosing two of them and we added a third "troll" pokemon, so to speak, that had nothing to do with it, just to have fun for a while.
With this reward my puppy rolled a die and completely at random one of those pokemon was selected, in this case Steelix. With this we would make a trade where I would draw him before wearing the suit and he would draw himself once he was completely inside.
But after this and after a few days have passed, the idea comes to mind of what a team of 6 Pokémon would look like following this same idea, I proposed it to Yaru and we like the idea so much that we decided to do the same thing but with the 6 pokemon that would form a team, where in each one we would see one of their characters wearing a suit of the pokemon that they were assigned, again, chosen at random with a die.
The result is this, a nice group of 6 images where I will catch, never better said, my Pokémon team to raise and "train".
-- Español --
Hablando con yaru sobre pokemon (tema que le gusta y sabe mucho), se nos vino a la mente la idea de como se veria con un traje bondage de uno de ellos (que puedo decir...culpables XD), y fuimos pensando en pokemons que podrian encajar con la especie de su personaje eligiendo dos de ellos y le sumamos un tercer pokemon "troll", por llamarlo asi, que no tuviera nada que ver, solo para divertirnos un rato.
Con esta premiza mi cachorro lanzo un dado y completamente al azar salio seleccionado uno de esos pokemon's, en este caso steelix. Con esto hariamos un trade donde yo lo dibujaria antes de llevar el traje y el se dibujaria una ves ya estuviera completamente dentro.
Pero despues de esto y habiendo pasado unos dias, se me viene a la mente la idea de como se veria un equipo de 6 pokemon's siguiendo esta misma idea, se lo planteo a Yaru y nos gusta tanto la idea que decidimos hacer esto mismo pero con los 6 pokemon's que formarian un equipo, donde en cada uno veriamos a uno de sus personajes usando un traje del pokemon que le tocara, nuevamente, elegido al azar con un dado.
El resultado es este, un lindo grupo de 6 imagenes donde ire atrapando, nunca mejor dicho, mi equipo pokemon para criar y "entrenar".