Hero wanted - Version B (Patreon)
-- English --
Rumors said that a gang of thieves was trafficking people as sex slaves. DarkPup followed the trail to some abandoned tunnels in which he managed to spot a group of people who are being stripped and tied up to "relax" a bit.
Marcus sneaks around one side, taking advantage of the shadows, he evades the thieves. While our hero seeks to free people, a mysterious figure is moving very well through the shadows in the opposite direction to dark. Although neither was aware of the presence of the other, chance appears and, behind Marcus, one of the kidnappers appears but, before doing anything, a red figure hits him, knocking him out of action.
When Dark realizes this he sees a dark fur fur tucked into a tight red suit. Our hero does not know who this person is, he thanks him for his help but tells him to leave so he can help those people. Thing that does not sit well with this boy (who, because of his suit, seems to be another hero like him), who rejoins, and prepares to ignore Marcus while trying to help but something grabs his hand and he sees that Marcus is willing to stop it. The two look at each other and, without much thought, they begin to struggle with each other.
But it is late, thanks to the scandal they were making, the traffickers heard them and, before they could say anything, they were completely surrounded by men who were watching them holding ropes and rolls of tape. The "heroes" look at each other and blame each other and then be taken prisoner.
But this is not all, but they ended up strongly tied with the others, but Darkpup does not lose hope and maintains that he will get them all out of there. With his experience between the ropes and, since he always manages to free himself, I am sure that he will have some trick in his hands.
Little story for this new YCH, I hope you like it ^^
-- English --
Los rumores decian que, una banda de ladrones, estaba traficando personas como esclavos sexuales. DarkPup siguió el rastro hasta unos túneles abandonados en los cuales logra divisar un grupo de personas que están siendo desnudadas y atadas para que se "relajen" un poco.
Marcus se escabulle por uno de los lados, aprovechando la sombras, va evadiendo a los ladrones. Mientras nuestro héroe busca liberar a la gente una figura misteriosa se va moviendo muy bien por las sombras en dirección opuesta a dark. Si bien ninguno se percato de la presencia del otro, la casualidad, se hace presente y, detras de Marcus, aparece uno de los secuestradores pero, antes de hacer nada, una figura roja lo golpea dejándolo fuera de combate.
Cuando Dark se percata de esto ve un fur de pelaje oscuro metido dentro de un apretado traje rojo. Nuestro heroe no sabe quien es esta persona, le agradece su ayuda pero le dice que se valla asi puede ayudar a esa gente. Cosa que no sienta bien a este chico (quien, por su traje, parece ser otro heroe como el), el cual se reincorpora, y se dispone a ignorar a Marcus mientras intenta ayudar pero algo lo agarra de su mano y ve que Marcus esta dispuesto a detenerlo. Los dos se miran y , sin pensarlo mucho, se ponen a forcejear entre ellos.
Pero ya es tarde, gracias al escandalo que estaban haciendo, los traficantes los escucharon y, antes que pudieran decir nada, estaban completamente rodeados por hombres que los miraban sosteniendo sogas y rollos de cinta. Los "heroes" se miran entre ellos y se echan la culpa mutuamente para luego ser tomados prisioneros.
Pero esto no es todo, sino que terminaron fuertemente atados con los demás, pero Darkpup no pierde la esperanza y sostiene que los sacara a todos de ahi. Con su experiencia entre las cuerdas y, siendo que siempre consigue liberarse, estoy seguro que algún truco tendrá entre las manos.
Pequeña historia para este nuevo YCH, espero les guste ^^