Planet Coaster 2 is the next exclusive series! (Patreon)
2024-11-06 08:58:13
The poll recently was pretty unanimous, so we're going to give a Planet Coaster 2 series a go and will be pausing Satisfactory in the meantime (although there is still one more episode before we officially pause it!).
The planned exclusive video schedule, which may change, is currently this:
Today: Planet Coaster 1
13th Nov: Planet Crafter DLC 4
20th Nov: Planet Coaster 2
27th Nov: Satisfactory 5
4th Dec: Planet Coaster 3
11th Dec: Planet Crafter DLC 5
18th Dec: Planet Coaster 4
25th Dec: Cities Skylines 26
1st Jan: Planet Crafter DLC 6
8th Jan: Planet Coaster 5