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The most over engineered toilet in history is finally up and running!


Oxygen Not Included Part 3 - A WORKING TOILET SYSTEM!

Part 3 of Oxygen Not Included, an exclusive series for my Patreon supporters!




Marcin Kowalczyk

this is so fun. But i'd also love more of the Hydrology simulator. Matt in his true element!

Mike Johnson

I'll give you a hint Matt, you can use the water sieve to create a closed system that has a toilet (or multiple), shower/s, and hand wash sink to never have to put more water into it after it is initially primed.

Darren Lindsay

Not sure if it's the most over engineered or the most cursed toilet. 🫣🤣

Sebastian Safari

I'm liking this series, but I wish the episodes were a bit longer. It might be bc he was sick which would make sense. Glad he's feeling better now.


Love this game and I agree that episodes should be a bit longer because this is a loooooong game and there's only so much you can do in little time. One thing I notices is that your water sieve is connected backwards, green is output, white is input. Keep it up fellow engineer!

Tis Bee

i really hope he figures out morale before it spirals

Tiffany Lord

I was going to play the new Stardew valley update but watching this is making me itch to start a new ONI game...

Raj Hudek

I'm torn between enjoying watching Matt figure games out using his very accurate analytical though process and getting anxious at all he doesn't know about ONI. From his Sieve not having the proper inputs and outputs to not knowing he can make it a closed system thst recycles water as long as he replaces the sand filter regularly, to not realizing that you need to create specifically sized rooms for hospitals, farming, bathrooms, ranching etc, to not using batteries to his advantage and the list goes on and on! I'm driving myself crazy! Hahaha. The thing is this game is detailed and you can do so much but you really do need to look into what the game requires of you as well as see how more complex engineering systems are made. This game seems deceptively simple at first but once you go down that ONI rabbit hole, it can get crazy!

Piggy Sue

If not longer episodes, can we maybe get more often? You're doing 4x a month, maybe give us paying customers a little boost 6x a month? That's just one more episode per game and with the current income streams it should be workable. The ONI doesn't need a lot of extraneous commentary. Cities I love the extra knowledge sharing with the "realistic" city building so understand if that takes a little longer to produce.


Please play more of this it is such a fun game to watch people play

Diego Maniero

Possiblty one of your series I enjoy the most, I hope there'll be a lot more episodes to come! Second only to the drainage simulator one!

Robert Kochanowski

Ah after 1000h i this game this is refrshing to watch someone play it without any skill in it. I wish i could tell you so many things about this game but i dont want to spoil you a fun from learning.