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Alright!  We'll be shooting tomorrow once again.  We've got Kaylee and Rebecca on tap.

Hehe...hope you like this BTS moment with Michelle Jin from her new footage soon to come on the site.

Also, I've got more Instagram Live Feeds for you, but unfortunately Youtube has suspended our account for "Sexual Content" because of the "Unlisted" "Rebecca posing with a car" Instagram Live Feed.  Seriously, I'm not kidding.  So, we're a little blocked up for 2 weeks. :-(

Currently looking for a less insane host for our Patreon clips.

So, catch our live feed tomorrow if you can because it might be 2 weeks before I can get anything posted here from it.  Again, working on an alternative solution.

~ B



Broski (Crossed-Legs)

Love when women jiggle their leg like that If Elena did that in a video I would buy it in a heart beat soo hottt love that :)

Legs Emporium

Might have the same problem and they are expensive to use the way we need. Not to mention how furious I'd be if paying for their service they flagged us. OMG!