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Lets do this!  Photo Set of the Awesomeness that is Gloria heel poppin'. :-)

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Password: GloriaPoppinHeels

~ B



R. Dunbar

Sometimes days off from work are just so happily timed. These last several sets of Gloria (including those on the website) have been amazing.


Her shoeplay is very sexy and beautiful, i would like more of that !

Herc X

Wow! She is really beautiful! Those legs though....magnificent! Real grandeur!

Bacope Dalbar

The calves of Gloria are magnificent. I love fantasizing in my head about a situation where Gloria and Jewel engage in a seated calf machine competition. I can't even imagine who would win and how much they would be able to lift. I imagine both of them using all the strength they have, their muscles trembling with the extreme effort, in a fierce competition.