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Doctor Who 1x10 FULL LENGTH Reaction | The Doctor Dances - MAX/BLU-RAY




Many others have already said it in their own comments, but I am still in love with the power of "Just this once, EVERYBODY LIVES!" This two-parter was something special, both as a self-contained story and also in weaving to the longer plotline. It's a model that others should emulate. We don't get specific details, but the kids were mainly runaways relatively recently. Some mention that they were evacuees (Children from the major English cities were sent to the countryside in WWII to get them out of the line of fire) who ran away from the evacuation. Their discomfort is vague enough to let you fill in yourself why they they would choose to return to the war zone rather than stay out there.


"I'm so glad that worked; those would have been *terrible* last words" =D