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X-Men 97 1x8 FULL LENGTH Reaction | Tolerance is Extinction - Part 1



Peter Eriksson

Omega red and Silver Samurai


Silver Samurai, and Omega Red are the names you are looking for.


Magneto's extremism is as unworkable as Charles' idealism which is why it's such a great dynamic to build a story around. To give a better understanding of Bastion's origin, which differs slightly compared to the comics, he is essentially a piece of Nimrod (a sentient sentinel from a dark future timeline, the "pink infection" lol) born from human parents. One of the great things about this show is that despite being so many years after the original X-Men ended, events connect relatively well. Nimrod showed up in the previous show twice from that dark future timeline and people assume at some point in his fight with the X-men, he left a piece of himself in the past. I'm not sure how much to say about Kurt's parentage as I don't want to spoil anyone who might be reading X-Men Blue Origins #1. It was slightly changed recently and some people are pretty upset about it (I'm thrilled) but c'est la vie. The dimension that Kurt teleports to and from is called the Brimstone dimension, which connects to Earth practically all over allowing Nightcrawler (and a few others) to pop in and out so.


I, too, mix up Jubilee and Rogue sometimes - I think it's because the original of this cartoon was my introduction to the X-Men in general, and then the live action movies happened and Rogue was put into the role Jubilee had in the cartoon. It didn't click for me until the second time watching, because Jean's explanation of Bastion's backstory as a sentinel from the future didn't really jive with the "you were one of those villains" exchange with Sinister, until I caught Cable's line early in this episode about MasterMold downloading itself somewhere when the X-Men defeated it - it was into Bastion. That scream as the episode ended? I was right there with you my first time through.

Quinton Turner

Happy Mutant Monday! Omega Red is a genetically altered Soviet soldier who fought Logan and Team X (Weapon X) in the past. The X-Men helped Colossus defeat Omega Red in the original series. Silver Samurai is yet another of Logan's enemies. A version of Silver Samurai was fought at the end of The Wolverine movie.


This was a great start to a great finale. Bastian is a pretty good villain and a good edition to the rogues gallery. 2 episodes left! I look forward to how you react to them!


The Silver Samurai WAS in The Wolverine! I knew that I knew him, but I didn't know from what. That is not one of my favorites


Luckily I rewatched the episode when I had a snack in between filming and realized the PINK wasn't a stylized choice, it was Nimrod/MasterMold.