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Doctor Who 2x2 FULL LENGTH Reaction | Tooth and Claw - AMAZON/DVD




Without a doubt one of my favourite early tenant episodes


Tenant is very Scottish so had way too much fun making this episode

Nathan Jasper, the Artist Formerly Known as Primary

Very fitting wearing your "Creep It Real" shirt for this one! I love how easily David Tennant and John Barrowman can slip in and out of their natural Scottish accents. It's fascinating to hear. This is always a fun episode and, yes, the CGI's a bit dated, but the storytelling's all there: superstition, legend, reality all mixed together to show the "actual" history as the Doctor discovers it with us along for the ride. And Queen Victoria herself being the one to establish that ever curious organization Torchwood just creates more questions. One thing I love about Doctor Who - THE LORE! Pauline Collins is the actress who played Queen Victoria. She was in 5 episodes of Classic Who as Samantha opposite Patrick Troughton, the 2nd Doctor. She was initially intended to be a companion but she turned down the series regular role. Pauline was also in a season of Upstairs, Downstairs which is what Downton Abbey was based on.

Robin Roberts

Loved this episode and your reaction. I love rewatching these programmes with you. As for the Torchwood series, you will have to watch season 1 and 2 before the end of Doctor Who season 4. I'm sure people have probably told you this already.

Steven Cooper

Interesting that you thought there was CGI or green screen used in the opening fight scene -- in fact, it was all wire work done on location in the actual courtyard. On the other hand, the transformation sequence, like all of the werewolf stuff, was entirely CGI, with no prosthetics involved at all. Some of the CGI artists working on this episode had also worked on the werewolf in "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", and welcomed the chance to attempt an improved version here. On the whole it works very well -- the shots of the creature bounding along the corridors don't really convince, but close-ups like the one of the Doctor and the wolf on either side of the closed door are very memorable.

Nathaniel Castle

This has never been a favourite Dr Who episode for me but i do consider it a solid episode. And yeah they were spot on with the werewolf really well done!


I thought it was incredibly well done. I was EN TER TAINED. I think it’s a great Rose/10 episode showing their friendship.

Steven Cooper

The first six series of the modern Doctor Who series had a behind-the-scenes programme ("Doctor Who Confidential") accompanying every episode. The one for "Tooth and Claw" happens to be on YouTube, and the following link will take you to a few minutes showing the filming of the fight scene: https://youtu.be/AzPTkIcq2d8?si=oQsaKQ7EVHxUcz25&t=1032


The name the Doctor uses at the beginning of this episode, 'James McCrimmon', is a reference to a companion of the Second Doctor called Jamie McCrimmon. As for the Spin-Offs, it may just be best to concentrate on the main show and come back to them once you've caught up considering how long it's going to take to get through DW on it's own.

Jonas Buckner

John Barrowman was born in Scotland, but raised in the US. If you watch him on panel shows, his natural accent is a midwestern (i.e. nonregional) American.


Torchwood is worth watching at some point, but it's first season is very much a before/alongside/after Who Season 3 story. Season 2 before Who Season 4. Otherwise you'll get spoiled as they reference events from each other at times. After that it doesn't really matter.


I'm looking forward to next episode, it's a good one...

Joel Palenychka

The Sarah Jane series is intended more for kids but also a lot of fun. Sarah was a companion of the Doctor in the original series. I think she was a companion of the 4th Doctor, one of the most popular ones.


She was definitely "...one of the most popular..." Companions to "...one of the most popular..." Doctors! She started in '73 with Jon Pertwee, The Third Doctor (who was VERY popular at the time and still some fans' fave), near the end of his run, and continued with the even more iconic Fourth Doctor Tom Baker for about three years, leaving in '76. During her time with The Doctor, she encountered most of the more memorable villains and monsters from the show -- including the Daleks of course!


Angela, there will be proponents of waiting to watch Torchwood, and of watching it alongside DW (and if you do, the way @Rach put it above sounds right). I'm on the fence so I'll be no help. You have to make up your own mind anyway and not listen to us (well, LOL, to a point...) :D


I thought that the transformation sequence had a familiar feel to it... Now I know why.

Joshua Couch

As a kid with haemophilia watching this episode when it first came out, it was pretty cool to think that the Doctor's explanation at the end was how I actually got haemophilia 😂


I have this natural habit of taking on the accents of those around me if I'm around them for long. I'm New Jersey born and raised but don't have the distinctive northern Joisey/Jaisey accent that is so close yet so far from being a New Yawk accent. I have family from southern Pennsylvania and from Oklahoma and I always ended up talking like them while visiting. If I went to the UK for a few weeks, I'd have an almost natural-sounding British accent by the time I left again. It's just something I do subconsciously so to me it's no stretch that David and John can change accents so easily. The best I've ever seen do accents are The SoapGirls; two sisters from ZA who are a rock band who do TONS of livestreams. The ones from 2020 to early 2022 were the best and showcased their comedic, artistic and other talents alongside their musical talents. I didn't mean for that to become a plug; sorry. :D

Nathan Jasper, the Artist Formerly Known as Primary

That's cool! That just confirms I need to go live next in England for a while, spend some time in Australia, and stop in Africa on the way to my future retirement home in Italy. Pick up some accents from around the world :) maybe by that time they'll figure out how to put Venice inside a livable aquarium.


Well come on! Get to inventing the transporter already! Beam me over to UK so I can see all my bands! :D

Matthew Brench

Yeah, Torchwood season 1 is best watched between Doctor Who seasons 2 & 3. After that, they generally go their separate ways and you don't need to worry about cross-references.

jamie hourican (edited)

Comment edits

2024-08-27 14:11:14 The most impressive thing about this episode is how David Tennant had to put on his false accent then his actual accent and try to fade back whilst making it sound natural
2024-08-26 16:52:26 The most impressive thing about this episode is how David Tennant had to put on his false accent then his actual accent and try to fade back whilst making it sound natural

The most impressive thing about this episode is how David Tennant had to put on his false accent then his actual accent and try to fade back whilst making it sound natural

Paul Bristow

Neither of them was his own accent, in fact. Although maybe the second one came more easily than the first? =:o}