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Doctor Who 2x4 FULL LENGTH Reaction | The Girl in the Fireplace - MAX/BLU-RAY




Can’t wait to watch this later


My condolences to his hearts and yours 🥲


This will be legen...wait for it....dary! Or as we say in Germany: REIN DA!


IIRC David Tennant and Sophia Myles were dating when this episode was made, hence the obvious chemistry between them and their characters.


Just finished this one and it was as good as I was hoping for. I´m loving your reactions so far! Already binged through Fallout (full length), BSG edited on YT (almost finished) and the first 20 episodes of FMA...so glad that you have the whole Who thing going on and sooooo many more to come <3


I like Steven moffat has a show runner, his first season is like one of my favorite seasons of doctor who


The thing about the Moffat written episodes, for me, is that he does a very good job of involving time travel elements into the story itself - most Doctor Who episodes only utilize time travel to get The Doctor & co to wherever the story is happening, but Moffat works it into the story itself, and usually does it well. I for one really enjoy Mickey's upgrade from "tin dog" to "companion" and it was great to see you enjoying the silliness of the moments with Mickey and Rose back on the ship -- my mind always flash to Galaxy Quest when he does that little forward roll in the corridor. Two parter coming up- it's nice that the new twice-a-week schedule lined up to put both parts on the same week.


What a great episode! Loved it!


Don't listen to anyone telling you Steven Moffat wasn't a great showrunner. Some may not have enjoyed his tenure as much as RTD's, but many others enjoyed it more. For my money, he's been the best showrunner since Philip Hinchcliffe produced Tom Baker's first three seasons back in the mid-70s (which is, coincidentally, when Sarah Jane was The Doctor's companion).


He is definitely a better writer than showrunner, but like you said, that doesn't mean he was a bad showrunner.


When (funnylilgalreacts) is all caught up with some of these (TV series reactions) let's all vote for her to start watching "Agents of Shield"

Massey Williams

I just want to second what a lot of people are saying: Steven Moffat was not a bad showrunner at all! He definitely has seasons that are better than others but so does RTD! Peter Capaldi’s Doctor specifically has some FANTASTIC seasons with great season-long arcs. Season 5 is also arguably the best season in the show! He just has a different vibe than RTD (intentionally so) and it can throw people off who prefer RTD’s style. Don’t worry, you have a LOT to look forward to with Moffat!


Just like everyone has *their* Doctor, fans tend to have a favorite era of Doctor Who. I've never been much of a fan of the Moffat era, but that doesn't mean YOU won't be. It resonates differently with everyone. Even though it's not my favorite, there's still plenty in that era that I look forward to. Just in case the idea has crept into your head that you might not like it as much, opinions are subjective! 😊

Tim R

I can't wait until we get to the 11th doctor so we can get your thoughts about Matt Smith, considering you'll be one of the few people who's main impression of him before going into that era of the show will be from watching him in HotD.


I can’t wait for Matt either! The fact that I only know him as Daemon is going to be so weird to see him as The Doctor!!


I’m definitely trying to keep an open mind when it comes to why people love certain doctors more than others and why certain show runners are found to be better than others. I definitely don’t let that influence the episode when I’m watching it but more so to keep it in my mind so I can argue for or against it.

G. T. Blackwell

I have conflicting thoughts about Moffatt. His standalone episodes during the first Russel T. Davies run are legitimately great, as is his first season as showrunner. But things declined pretty steadily after that (punctuated, though, by some of the best episodes of television I've ever seen). I get the feeling that, as Doctor Who continued to grow as a gloal phenomenon during his run, people no longer were willing (or perhaps able) to tell him "no." And the storytelling suffered as a result. One of my pet peeves with any story is when it breaks its own rules and Moffatt started disregarding some substantial rules that he himself had quite literally set in stone. Deeply frustrating.


The (story) reason it had to be Rose that spoke to Reinette and not the Doctor is for the "you can't have the Doctor without the Monsters" speech. Since that's the only time we see Reinette without the droids, they needed the Doctor to be Absent from the scene. Oh, funny story about the cigarette thing. My friend (from the UK) was working in the US for a few months. He stepped out for a smoke, but US cigs taste different from UK cigs. He came back in and wiped his mouth and said "eurgh that f@g left a horrible taste in my mouth" The entire rooms collective jaws hit the floor! 💀 Personally, I'm a fan of Moffats time as show-runner. My advice when the time comes, is go into it with an open mind and just form your own opinion. Some people love it, some people don't.


Nah. How could I be? My favorite reaction guy for TV shows somehow stopped with WHO and only continues with other shows that I don´t like so I stumblep upon your channel and I´m so happy I did! Honest reactions, cool theories and overall just a very entertaining way to create content for us - thanks by the way :-)


I haven't seen any other commenters address this, so apologies if I'm covering old ground. In Classic Who, The Doctor's relationships with his companions were all platonic. There was never anything remotely approaching "hanky panky." RTD introduced the concept of romantic love in the TARDIS, for better or for worse. So while Sarah Jane and The Doctor were very close and cared for each other a great deal, it never went in that direction, despite any indications to the contrary in "School Reunion."


I don't know if Rose is showing jealousy as much as it is a fear of being replaced by someone he finds more interesting to travel with.


I think it's both. There was chemistry with Rose and 9, but 10 appears and acts younger, so it amplifies any potential romantic feelings.


This is one of my favorite episodes. In a single episode we get a love story across her entire life and you can believe every bit of it. The music really elevates the episode and makes you feel the emotion. I still cry at the end of this episode... every, single, time.

Carl Wilson

Terrific video. Just on dates: This is pre-revolutionary France, so about 75 years before the Victorian era.


Madam de Pompadour died in 1764. The Victorian Era was from 1837-1901, the reign of Queen Victoria. Madam de Pompadour lived during the Georgian era. (King George III was the British Monarch at the time of Madam de Pompadour's death).

Slytherin Forever

It was apparently established somewhere in the classic era of Doctor Who that humans in this universe are slightly telepathic. Some people are able to take advantage of it better than others. That's how Madame De Pomdore was able to read the Doctor's mind while he was reading her's. It is also how that Victorian Servant girl from the Unquiet Dead was able to "have the sight" that was used to read Rose's mind, have the seance and talking with the aliens from that episode in general. It doesn't happen often but there are future characters where telepathy is a thing throughout the series.

Slytherin Forever

Just remember. Mickey. Rose. No naughty fun time in TARDIS while in the Time Vortex. . . . It is several seasons away but you'll understand that joke eventually.

Doc Savage

This is one of my favorite episodes.. so heartbreaking. Fun Fact - The actress portraying "Madame De Pompadour" Sophia Myles was dating David Tenant during this time.

Captain Painway

Any list of the top ten Dr. Who episodes of all time has to include this episode. It is such a tight, concise script that wastes almost no time but gets a LOT done.

Captain Painway

Was in Iraq back in '03 and we were taking over a base from some Brits. One comes up to a group of us (US soldiers) and says the most English line ever: "I hate to be a wanker but can I bum a fag?" It's stuck with me going on 21 years, lol

Captain Painway

One of the things I like about Dr. Who is the different types of love it shows. Many of the modern relationships are romantic love without sexual attraction, or just really deep platonic love. However, much of modern western/northern society is not geared to understand such between human (appearing) people. I think it'd be near impossible to be around and close with someone as immense, as incredible, and as relatively pure in heart as The Doctor and NOT fall in love with them (regardless of orientation and The Doctor's outward appearance). I think SJS in School Reunion showing some of that is a great update to what might have been shown had sensibilities and attitudes been different back then.

Captain Painway

Rose has never had good self-esteem, even after all the amazing things she's done while with The Doctor. Jealousy is *always* about self-esteem (not mistrust, but jealousy, the two get conflated sometimes). So it's fitting to her character to get jealous. By contrast 11 is never jealous of Mickey, he *looks down* on Mickey. The Dr. has a great sense for people, for people who would make good and worthy companions, and 11didn't see that in Mickey (one of the few times they misread someone about that). The Doctor doesn't get jealous, and I love that. I think Dr. Who is one of the best representations of an immortal living among mortals out there (unlike most vampire/immortal stories).