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Doctor Who Christmas Special 2006 FULL LENGTH Reaction | The Runaway Bride - BLU-RAY




There is a hilarious Red Nose Day sketch with David and Catherine that I strongly recommend watching. It has no spoilers for Doctor Who or anything else. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHAJ4VFStUE

Joel Palenychka

I've always loved Donna. One of the few people partnered up with the Doctor who isn't just amazed or in awe of him but will actually slap him to bring him back to his senses. Their banter back and forth warms my heart in ways I can't even express. If you can I strongly recommend seeing other things they (Tate and Tenant) have done together. Their friendship strongly influences their work together. I recommend again their version of Much Ado About Nothing. You won't be disappointed.

David T

In answer to your question “Is it normal to become attached to each Doctor and each Companion, and to grieve when they leave?” The answer is: Yes. Every. Single. Time. It shows up as deep grief for the departing actor/character… and even a little bit of resentment or mistrust of the new person until a rapport is built between Doctor and Companion. It’s perfectly normal. And it’s even sort of built into the system by the show’s creators, since they are very much aware of it. Be patient and open-minded and look for those moments of rapport that signal a good match. It’s okay to grieve and hang onto the previous person. But there is no such thing as a bad Doctor or a bad Companion—each has their strong assets and wonderful personality points. In the end, as painful as it inevitably is, we would not have it any other way since that’s a characteristic of The Doctor.

Doc Savage

As a man who has loved and lost; I can attest that the emotional defeat that Tennant portrayed at the end of Doomsday was that of a man who lost the woman he loved more than just a really really really good best friend. There is no doubt in my mind.

G Lam

Can I just say, I VERY much appreciate that you put alternate versions up for different media... I've only watched 3 full lengths as a Patron, and I've had the episodes for years, and never landed the correct version of yours on the first attempt, but at least they are all there for me to try