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Doctor Who 4x1 FULL LENGTH Reaction | MAX/BLU-RAY: https://youtu.be/5oTW_j3sTiY

Doctor Who 4x1 FULL LENGTH Reaction | AMAZON/DVD: https://youtu.be/2YP-Hicb_zg




Weird time for it but I like it

Ian Clark

Have you watched "Time Crash"?


Ah, I do love Wilfred Mott! I remember when they announced the return of Catherine Tate as the companion for the fourth season, there were some complainers but overall everyone was excited to see her come back. She and David Tennant play so well off of each other so well, as you can tell whe they first see each other in the windows. But hardly anyone knew anything about Rose having a cameo at the end. They held onto that secret quite well. What a season ahead that awaits you Angela! Allons-y! ♥️♥️ + 🔷


Ahhhh. Your reaction to the reveal at the end was worth the wait. That scene sent shockwaves throughout the Who-watching universe when it first aired. Did you recognize Wilfred (Donna's grandpa) from the Christmas episode?

Sorcerer Rumburak

Yup - the bride is back! 😉 ...and I can see that you're right to be hooked. Did you notice that you met Wilf (Donna's grandfather) at the newspaper stand in the Titanic episode? Did you notice that Donna's car is TARDIS blue? Also strange that a whole (breeding) planet has disappeared. Otherwise the Nanny wouldn't have come to Earth and the Doctor and Donna might never have met again?🤔 ...and of course, I won't tell you what's going on with Rose! Doctor Who is wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey. 😉

Jacob King

I think the moment Donna and the Doctor are having their mime conversation through the windows might be the funniest thing in the whole series. My feelings on this episode are mixed, good comedy and great character work, they really make Donna someone you care about, but the adipose are not particularly interesting. It’s a sci-fi light kind of episode. It’s probably deliberate because Davis wants the focus to be on the relationships. Donna is probably the most universally loved companion and it was generally seen as a good thing she was coming back. Catherine Tate was quite a big thing in comedy, with her own sketch show, so for the audience she and Tennant were closer to equal status which gave this season a different feel.

Paul Mason

I don't honestly remember the announcement etc for Donna returning. I do remember fan reaction being mixed. However almost everyone comes to enjoy her I think. You said yourself that she brings both comedy and a serious side, and that she can challenge the Doctor. I really enjoy The Runaway Bride and Donna in it, but I know a lot of people didn't like her so much in that. That was a lot of the "challenging" side. To be fair she is most well known here in the UK as a comedian and she had a sketch show with characters. Her most memorable characters are a bratty teenager and an inappropriate angry gran. Even if you found that funny, annoying as characters. So I think that impression carried over to Donna and she wasn't universally liked at first. But that starts to change. Even here you can see in her scene with Wilf a softer side. For a long time Donna was my favourite companion and she's still high up the list. "I'm waving at fat" is such a great line read.

Will Turner

The Doctor and Donna’s friendship is still one of my favourite Doctor Who relationships. They bring the best out of each other and I can’t wait to see your reaction to this season. 😄

Carl Wilson

Oh, I'm thrilled that we're here. I like Martha a lot too, but found her season awkward for all the reasons you say -- it felt a bit unfair to her as a character, like the Doctor not returning her feelings just kept underlining "She's no Rose." (And given that she was the first Black regular character on the show ever, doubly unfortunate that way.) But now with Donna we get to throw all that overboard and just enjoy ourselves a lot more. Not that there aren't serious parts - of course there are - but not recycling the same reasons.


My little brother had an adipose soft toy as a kid, those things are truly adorable. A sad but interesting thing about this episode is that Wilf (grandad)s character was originally supposed to be her Dad returning from Runaway Bride, but sadly the actor passed away so they rewrote the part and asked Bernard Cribbins to step in. However, they filmed his scenes for this episode before he passed so you can see them on YouTube. It's very odd seeing the same lines read by a different guy than the actor we've come to love.


i still dont get why there are so many different versions. Like why is streaming on amazon and streaming on another service so different. And the differences seem so minor, just makes it hard to sync


a kilo is 2.2 lb right?


The situation with Catherine Tate being cast for series 4 I think was about as much fuss as people had for Billie Piper initially? Whereas instead of fans suggesting it was stunt casting, people worried about Tate's potential as a dramatic actress, being primarily known for comedy. This series I think absolutely dispelled all that, she's my favorite companion of the whole series, her character is fantastic, her acting even more so, and I love the Doctor-Donna dynamic. Excited to see how you enjoy this series, it already got you crying, so that's a good sign!! :D

Mark McKeown

Its due to differing frame rates. It should get resolved when they go HD at the end of this season.


that is part of it I guess, but some of it is removing or shorting some scenes. Like the sound of drums, there is a whole song and dance routine that seems to be missing from the version in the reaction.

Danny Roberts

I know what you mean, I'm watching the blu-ray version but it doesn't align with the MAX/blu-ray versions uploaded here at all. It seems that my BluRay version and what is being reacted to are entirely different cuts in terms of how long each scene lasts, which parts are included at all and the order those scenes appear in. So the comments from the reaction rarely if ever line up with what is on screen at the time. It's not just one episode either, ever one I have tried is like this.


I found bluray reactions match to itunes version. if that helps. For me I dont have season 4 on amazon, just season 5 onwards. so hopefulyl then the amazon version matches to the amazon reaction


I so love me some Catherine Tate. She's freaking hilarious and an incredible actress. You'll see what I mean. Plus I personally loved her as the new companion because she wasn't a youngin like every other one they have had.

Mark McKeown

Oh the sound of drums thing was because there was an actual differently cut version of the episode, but I'm 99% sure that was a one off, but Im not sure why. To make things more confusing, I have the iPlayer episodes which normally line up to the DVD full, but today they don't but the bluray full does? Idk, all very confusing, will be glad when it's just 1 full in a few months time lol.


You've already met Wilf in 'Voyage of the Damned' - he was the man in the red hat who the Doctor and Astrid talked to on the street. The character wasn't named in dialogue but he was originally named Stan in that script, but as Howard Atfield, who played Donna's dad had filmed half his scenes for Partners in Crime before passing away, Cribbins was bought back as Donna's grandfather and the character in Voyage retroactively became Wilf.

Mark McKeown

Talk about spoon feeding information re: breeding planet. Let the woman think. Also Tardis blue is a bit of a stretch, it's a blue car.

Robin Roberts

You asked about our views concerning Catherine Tate joining. To be honest I was a bit wary of her being a companion, because she she has a habit of playing loud and mouthy characters. I changed my mind with the second episode and by the third I loved her. She turned out to be a force to be reckoned with, both for the Doctor's foes and for the Doctor himself when she disagreed with him. This turned out to be one of my favourite and most emotional Doctor Who seasons. I love it.

Robin Roberts

As for Bernard Cribbins' Wilf, for people of a certain age he is a beloved actor. He's narrated children's tv, sung on nonsense records, read books, plus he appeared in the 1966 film Doctor Who Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D. He was part of the British television landscape for so long.

James Christie

✨There is a minisode that takes place between voyage of the damned and 3x13 called ‘Time Crash’ which would be good to see you react to! ✨

Paul mix

I'm not certain where the viewed copy for the reaction was sourced, but for me the MAX/BLU-RAY reaction only lines up with a 25 FPS PAL release, which would line up with a later blu-ray "remaster" release (the original US Blu-ray releases were converted to NTSC @ 23.976).

Amy Lillian Bone

I have so missed your Who reactions and it's a wonderful way to get back into it. I was anxious about Donna's return at the time, but she won me over in next to no time. I think, in some ways, she is the best Companion for Ten. They have such fantastic chemistry.


Not sure what has changed but I can't seem to get either version of the reaction to sync up. I haven't had any issues before now, but nothing seems to work. :(

Jeremy B

I’ve been looking forward to your reaction to this episode all month! It’s so much fun and one I rewatch often as it never fails to make me smile. A brilliant introduction to Donna’s role as fulltime companion. It harks back to those 1950s Hollywood comedy caper movies (without the romance) with that jaunty score. The near misses between the Doctor and Donna are beautifully choreographed culminating in the mime through the window. We were all waiting for you to see that scene! 😊 It also helped that David and Catherine are great friends in real life. This is a lot of fans’ favourite Tenth Doctor / Companion combination and favourite season to feature David. Enjoy the ride. We knew in advance that Catherine Tate was returning as the new fulltime companion, but there was unease among some fans who only knew her comedy work. They needn’t have worried. In her hit TV sketch show, Catherine played a wide range of different characters and as you’ve seen here in the scene here with Donna's Grandad, she’s a talented dramatic actor, able to convey genuine emotions and empathy. But people who only knew her for a couple of her particularly brash comedy characters (the foul-mouthed Nan and disinterested teenager Lauren) feared the worst. I was so pleased when she proved them completely wrong. We definitely didn’t know Billie Piper was returning in this episode though! It was a genuine surprise. I love that the brilliantly talented Sarah Lancashire described her character Miss Foster as a “slightly warped Mary Poppins”! Sadly, Howard Attfield, who played Donna's father in The Runaway Bride passed away after filming some of the scenes for this episode. The scenes he filmed included the one with Catherine on the hill where the pair talk about travelling to Venus and looking for a Blue Box. I think Howard’s scenes were included as a DVD extra as I saw them on YouTube a few years back. The producers retired Howard’s character out of respect and introduced Bernard Cribbins as Wilfred Mott in his place. Bernard, a much, much loved British actor, did such a wonderful job. Wilfred is also the same character as the newspaper seller in Voyage of the Damned. They dedicated the episode to Howard in the closing credits.


I had the same problem. did you also watch the amazon/dvd version?


same .... guess i'll have to skip this one /sigh


Yes, couldn't make either one work. I really hope this is something simple on the editors side that can be fixed.



Andy Burt

I was able to get it almost there by playing the Max reaction at 95% speed with youtube's updated speed controls. Still had to monitor to not let the reaction get too far ahead, but it was comprehensible

Hot Space 🚀

Loved the reaction! I always see The Doctor and Donna as like a sibling sort of relationship. And seeing Rose even though I've seen it like a million times, I always get hyped and emotional so I get your reaction completely. 🙂


I tried that but its still to out of sync. I hope that Angela and Nathaniel can come up with a fix, because this season is just too good to miss the full lengths.



Fionnuala J.

Donna! She's my favourite companion and this is my favourite season I think (I haven't seen the the last few seasons/series). Looking forward to watching it with you!

Fr. Brench

The blogosphere at the time definitely agreed with you: a lot of people were quite wary about Donna coming back because she was perceived as more annoying than funny in that Christmas special and a lot of people wanted to be able to ship the doctor and the companion and that was a pairing that wasn't going to work. I think a small portion of the fandom actually gave up on the show at that point. But The franchise only grew in popularity, so I guess it worked out :-)

Mark McKeown

Angela has already explained she won’t be watching it as it was spoiled for her anyway

Mark McKeown

Yeah Angela is not dumb. Also putting a spoiler, big or small, in plain sight is just not cool. Idk why people think reactors are stupid and can’t decipher these ‘cryptic’ messages.

Nathaniel Castle

As Always I love these reactions, just a shame it was horribly out of sync for us over in Britain. Mustered through but I hope we might get something slightly shifted to match like we had before

Daniela Sannino

Donna my beloved. My favorite duo. I think this was a great way to introduce her back as the companion. This kind of followed the same zany vibes as The Runaway Bride but we got to see a touch of the more mature and grounded Donna after her brief encounter with him that Christmas special. She's slowly starting to see that bigger picture he mentioned.


I didn't care for Donna Noble at first, but she became one of my favorites. Just a fun little romp of an episode to kick off a banger of a season. Now I want to binge the entire season because I'm too excited to wait for reactions. And I absolutely LOVE Donna's grandpa, Wilfred. If you recognize him, he was running the news stand in the Christmas special.

Rayna Storie

In my opinion out of all the companions which they are all great I love them just like I love all the different doctors but Donna there is something about her that was just fun I think she imbibes The true Spirit of Doctor who You will grow to love her just like we did enjoy the ride we can't wait


I tried both versions, and neither synced with my BBC Digital version; I had to watch the ep on Max and resync after the commercial breaks to keep it lined up


I'm so glad you made it to this episode without knowing Catherine Tate was coming back. This is a tremendously fun episode, and was very much looking forward to the reaction to the near misses, and the miming - and of course Rose at the end. The Adipose thing is definitely something plenty of folks would happily volunteer for with informed consent - and the informed part means the "kill these people to keep it secret" contingency becomes moot. But I guess doing it that way would have openly violated the Shadow Proclamation and invited official intervention, while the plan as enacted was technically "under the radar" as these things go. The previous series with Martha is my favorite series of Tennant's era, but that's not to mean there aren't plenty of fantastic episodes ahead, and Donna is a fantastic companion.

Robert A.

I have a very old (2entertain) American-release DVD, and it synced up to the Max/blu-ray version. Weird.

Robert A.

This is the first full-length reaction of yours that I have watched. I dug up my old DVDs and figured out how to attach an old DVD drive to my computer JUST SO I COULD SEE YOUR REACTION TO ROSE. :-) I have single episodes that I like more but this is my favorite entire series of Who, and Donna is my favorite companion of New Who. I hope you enjoy Series 4 as much as I did!


Best dúo ever!!!!! I don’t know if I did something wrong but the Amazon copy was out of sync.

Thomas Wendel

I didn't care much for Donna at first. I though she was mean in her first appearance. But now she is my favorite companion! She has the best character arc of all the companions. Thanks for reacting!


The Links are switched! If you go to the Max/Blu Ray one, you'll get the Amazon/DVD one. I did this and got it to work!

Carl Wilson

Just adding to the testimonies here - both versions ran ahead of mine, just at different rates. This has been the case for a couple of episodes now - before that, could get them to synch.


Apparently for American audience, the links are just reversed; UK and I guess elsewhere you guys all had trouble either way.


A lot of peeps apparently don't know that a HUGE amount of awesome dramatic actors/actresses cut their proverbial teeth with comedy. A good example is Robin Williams who excelled in dramatic roles. How did he start? "Shazbot! Nanu-nanu!" 😜 Bryan Cranston -- I could go on. Won't...


The links got reversed; though for those outside the US I think you still have issues. Some peeps anyway...


The Doctor-Donna Dynamic is perhaps the best the show ever had.

Steven Kleckner

Personally I was VERY anxious to see your reaction to Donna's return. And I KNEW the surprise at the end was gonna be a serious "down elevator" moment for you. If you had ANY idea how many secrets we are keeping from you about the future of DW you'd be amazed.

Siti Dee

Aw man couldn't get either of the links sync :( i guess i'll watch the edited ver!

Connor Black

God I love this season. Donna and the Doctor have one of the best dynamics in this show!

G Lam

gah, I hope I don't have to watch the edited reactions for the whole season. it was only a few episodes at the back end of last season for me.