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Blue Eye Samurai 1x3 FULL LENGTH Reaction | A Fixed Number of Paths




If you think about it, Taigen's entire purpose right now is trying to restore his honor so he can be with Akemi. Knowing this it makes sense that he would sacrifice himself to save Mizu in the event of certain death because if he used Mizu as a shield against the arrows his entire purpose of defeating her in an honorable duel couldn't be done, and we know he would rather die than return dishonorably. So in a weird way the most sane and honorable thing to do was save Mizu. Also you didn't comment on it but Mizu gave Taigen the same broken blade that she made with her own hands in the past. He doesn't know this but it's also kinda fitting to his character.


One think about Japan in the Edo period, life doesn’t have the same value that it does in the west. Killing an infant was Very common. If they weren’t killed outright, often by smothering with wet paper, they would be taken into the woods and left to die. Many infants would die even if they were cared for, infant mortality was high worldwide wide. In Japan it even had a name Mabiki. Many farmers would kill second and third sons as a form of population control. Girls when they were old enough would often be sold into brothels. Prostitutes would often get pregnant since birth control was virtually nonexistent. Those infants rarely lasted a few days. We would be appalled, but to Edo Japan, it was just a fact of life. Knowing what it was like gives a little bit more context to the show.