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The Legend of Korra 2x7 FULL LENGTH Reaction | Beginnings, Part 1



Akito Senpai

Yes, that was the dancing dragon. Do you remember what Toph said when Aang was learning firebending with Zuko? The best source is the source itself. The dragons where the original firebenders, so who best to teach Wan than a dragon?


So, this might be early to ask, but I remembered it suddenly because you brought up Koh in the intro. When you're done with Korra, would you be interested in watching the Dragon Prince? It's not avatar, but it has a lot of the same people working on it and the vibes are very similar and it's also really good. They even sneak in a reference to Avatar here and there. The reason Koh reminded me to ask you is because the guy who voices Koh also voices the main antagonist of the series.