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What If...? 2x6 FULL LENGTH Reaction | 6 What If... Kahhori Reshaped the World?




For accessibility they released the the episode entirely in English, it's in the extras section on Disney+. It's interesting to see how hearing the different language performances change the way things hit you.

Whovian Prakash

This has been my top favorite of all What If episodes. Not just because of the introduction of a brand new character. The story, the music, and the visuals were all top notch (for me, at least.) It is also so wonderful to see MCU/Disney maintain Mohawk language. I was wondering if Kahhori's lineage would link to Echo. But I found out Echo is of the Choctaw Nation. And, all five episodes of Echo will also be available in Choctaw language among others. It really good to see the First Nation representation in the MCU.