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The Legend of Korra 4x4 FULL LENGTH Reaction | The Calling



Michael Wakeley

I loved your reaction when Ikki brought her arms out of the rope to show the guys places on the map. Did you notice that she pulled one arm out to scratch her nose when the guys went off to their private chat, then put it back before they came back to her?


I don't think Toph is 'seeking enlightenment' in the way people usually expect when they hear that phrase, but I also don't think she's 'running away' either. She's just seeking her OWN version of peace. She's connected to her family, without interfering with their lives or needing to work around them. She has her simple desires and needs fulfilled by the swamp itself. She's not shown actively hiding from or avoiding anybody in the swamp, she's just chilling. I think it's the equivalent or retiring to a beach somewhere warm and keeping up with people back home via letters and phone calls. To some people that can be lonely and isolating to be away from their family, but to other people it's a perfect way to spend their later years. For Toph, who had to deal with too little freedom as a kid with her family and then giving too much freedom with her own kids, she thinks this is a good area.


Jinora and Meelo get most of the attention in this series, but my favorite of the airbender kids has always been Ikki. She's the one that most reminds me of Aang in temperament and spirit (even if Jinora looks more like their grandfather) - she's excitable, loves animals, and deeply and openly empathetic to others. And the two episodes we get that (kind of) focus on Ikki are both lovely little character pieces that remind me a ton of A:TLA. There's the episode where she runs away and Tenzin finds her with the baby air bison, and we see how she and her father are deeply linked by their kindhearted spirits and love for the natural world, despite their otherwise very different personalities. And now in "The Calling" we see how a more grown-up Ikki has become smart and confident without losing any of the passion and empathy of her younger self. The scenes where Ikki turns the tables on her Earth Empire captors by *getting to know them* and *caring about them* are some of my favorite little moments in the entire season. She ends up getting the information the airbender kids need, not by hunting for it or meditating endlessly, but by embracing the truest parts of the Air Nation's philosophy - openness and kindness to others, even your supposed enemies.