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"To Mx. Vesper Alvarez,

"We have recently received a report regarding your behavior towards your (now former) agent, Mr. Brickle. We would like to remind you that attempted seduction, inappropriate conduct, and/or attempts to devour & digest our employees is strictly forbidden through your contract.

"Furthermore, should this behavior persist, we will be forced to terminate your contract with no additional residuals paid out for your music. While we appreciate the work created by you & Mastikator, we don't see how we can continue to work with a client that is actively erasing our employees from existence.


"Cedric Unthorp, CEO of Tastemaker Records"

"P.S. You're still on the hook for 'A Very Caustic Christmas.' I don't care how many obscenities you hurl at me through a haze of alcohol & post-digestion endorphins, you made a promise, and I expect drafts for this holiday album in my inbox within the week."


I mean, I don't know what he expected :/ A touch of black comedy for the holiday, I suppose - I love how this one turned out, and I hope you liked it too <3


Thank you all again for your incredible support! 

