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[Contains Safe Vore/Endosoma/Willing Prey, Internal View, Size Difference]


In which we get to see the Emergency Extraction Team in action - even if this was more of a drill than a dangerous operation...

I'll be releasing more concrete lore/writing regarding the E.E.T. when I have the time! For now, I hope you enjoy the little taste of this thrilling organization - and the first major piece involving R.I.T.A, the newest member of the Big Burr Crew!


Thank you, truly, for your incredible support! <3




Sage is such a goober x3

J.Fiera CK-19

OOOh! I really love this concept of the EET team ! And Hope to see more of Rita and her team in the future in a video/motion comic of the concept.


Not gonna lie, hopping Rita meets Bailey 👀