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My next animation will feature Demi, so I have been getting her model ready. I didn't want to do what a lot of other artists have done and just leave her partially clothed, so that meant I had to do something about her tattoo, as it is normally partially obscured by her dress. The 2nd picture shows the tattoo on the original model compared to my extended one, let me know if you think the tattoo looks good or not.

I'd like to make a new scene for the animation as well, though I'm not entirely sure what that's going to look like yet. Once I've made some progress on that and it has taken shape, I'll share it here.




The model, and tattoo, looks amazing


That’s amazing! Is it too much to ask for the models you use?


I might consider it eventually. My models are pretty terrible though, all sorts of defects and bad practices, I just try to hide it when animating rather than actually fixing the problems. If I do release them, I would want put a bit more time into them first I think.


They are amazing, don’t downgrade your work!