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Hey people, just a quick WIP preview of what I am up to. Following on from my Clip Armory scene, I thought I would try and reproduce one of the Spy rooms from the current BR season. I've learned quite a bit about the structure of Fortnite assets and where to find everything to reproduce a scene, it's pretty time consuming, but really fun once it starts to come together.

I will of course use this scene to do some lewds, I also plan to release the blend file for the scene once it's done so that other people can use it if they want. After that, I might do another one of the spy rooms.

It's really cool that Epic have started to do these interactive menu scenes in BR now as well, I hope they do more of them for future seasons, working on this scene and looking at all of the assets up close really makes you appreciate all of the work that went into making these.




Damn that's looking good so far.