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  • Shiver_Handlebars.mp4



This is what the horns are for. 

This is one of my favourite animations so far, I even added audio. I'll try and do audio from now on where possible, but I'm not very good at it so it takes a while for me to get a result I'm happy with.

Any suggestions for which girl I should do next? I can't promise I'll go with the suggestions, but it's worth a shot, right?




Hell yeah. I'd love to see some more clip next or some more stw girls. They don't get enough love. Maybe Jess or Eagle Eye


You will absolutely be seeing more Clip in the future, seeing her in game is what made me start doing all of this lol. I really want Epic to make her playable, partly because that would mean she would get a full set of voice lines that I could use. All the audio of her in-game now has the radio crackle effect over it and they changed her voice actor at some point so a lot of them don't match. Can't promise anything with regards to other STW girls though, unless they get a good skin that appeals to me, the defaults aren't that interesting to me.