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Here is the actual poll for skins containing the suggestions from the other post. A couple of people suggested skins I had already done, or variants of skins I had already done (like D'ark) and those are not included here. I will do polls in the future to let you vote for skins that I have already done before.

So, you can vote for as many as you like from this list below, I will make a model for the skin that wins and produce an animation using it. If you are subscribed at Super Patron tier, your vote will count as 5 votes. Poll will end in just under 48 hours.



Just so everyone is aware, the results displayed here do not account for the additional votes granted to Super Patrons. At the time of this comment, Charlotte is currently in the lead. When voting ends, the skin displayed as winner here might not actually be the winner because of this, I will announce the winner after additional votes are accounted for.


I hope Glimmer wins!!