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Ghostbusters: Ectopia
Chapter 3: The Nose Knows

With the Ghostbusters still pondering the recent outbreak of beavers, the forces behind C2's Ectotech continue to press their agenda. In the heart of Portland, club See-Through caters to a wilder crowd. Those that are unafraid of ghosts can use their Ecto-Tech watches to modify themselves using PKE fields. Countless forms are on the menu, but how much of themselves are the patrons truly serving up for this experience? The flavor of the week seems to be elephants as trunks sprout and feet swell. It'll be a night no one ever forgets.




I really liked this one. Are we seeing a new time ghost or are you hinting at a possible future or alternate version of an existing one? I love you work when it is heavy transformation but its always good to get a chapter like this where it feels like the transformation was background and the other side stories were more important. I am really curious to see where you are going with Angel’s story. From where you left him I really thought he was going to go more daemon in some shape or form. Now I am not sure I felt it was implied he was expoloring other changes in this chapter. What happened to his 4 arm friend? What is going to happen between him and Miguel? I so want to see what the Octopus king looks like.


What a phenomenal reply! This is the sort of feedback I crave! Which of the outcomes for the time ghost would excite you more? I didn't want it to feel too samey, so getting lower stakes transformations kept it a bit varied and interesting and developed those behind C2 for sure. Angel certainly likes to explore the menu and try new things. I really should show an octopus king soon since I mentioned them so much. Miguel's off at college, but he's not too far down I5 lol. I forgot the four armed friend, lol.


There are so many ways you can go with the time ghost... Hmm, Here is my wild idea: he is from another reality where his time ghost sacrificed himself and merged with one of the GBs, which created him. This caused his reality to split/fracture/end, and he ended up in ours. And he is trying to get home or recreate his world here. I think his name is Rerun, but I need to go back and double-check that to be sure.