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Please note that the videos are hosted on YouTube but are set to "Not publicly available" and as such only available to users who purchase them. Please do not share video links!

Note: Subtitles are currently automatically generated and are in the process of being corrected in the next 24-48 hours.

The After Effects part will be published later in another post

Project files and links (also in the Youtube description) - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j4Qr8JzaoHRZKVF-evq2aUEFz_zQFKx2/view?usp=share_link 


https://youtu.be/_8SnKGu6Wa8 - 00 - Introduction and promo video

https://youtu.be/GPTwnWfLQ3A - 01 - Introduction to Blender (general)

https://youtu.be/oJ0h7OKSJXo - 02 - POOLROOMS - Start with the scene - Making walls and work with reference

https://youtu.be/eapvfoKcP6o - 03 - POOLROOMS - Creating walls

https://youtu.be/cnhH8-gqpUM - 04 - POOLROOMS - Non-destructive bevel

https://youtu.be/lRAUmSL7Kqc - 05 - POOLROOMS - Modeling stairs

https://youtu.be/sZT2pwy4StY - 06 - POOLROOMS - Floor, Water line, Ceiling

https://youtu.be/Hq2zWOElAjc - 07 - POOLROOMS - Rounded stairs and array modifier

https://youtu.be/eyU7hgGF2o8 - 08 - POOLROOMS - Non-destructive windows

https://youtu.be/ezNDFrXlyG0 - 09 - POOLROOMS - Lighting and first render

https://youtu.be/OqE02KaGl9g - 10 - POOLROOMS - Modeling Backrooms windows

https://youtu.be/u6W90ySxxF4 - 11 - POOLROOMS - Modeling details

https://youtu.be/BgL-dLYq-vA - 12 - POOLROOMS - Materials - Metal chrome

https://youtu.be/4s-G07egmUk - 13 - POOLROOMS - Materials - Glass and Wood

https://youtu.be/wIIlOautbSE - 14 - POOLROOMS - Backrooms - lighting

https://youtu.be/7fPy-Y-gn7c - 15 - POOLROOMS - Backrooms - wall material

https://youtu.be/gIssbA1RrSo - 16 - POOLROOMS - Carpet texture

https://youtu.be/hJMfw3u-jE0 - 17 - POOLROOMS - Tiles texture

https://youtu.be/2vrfC8oydEM - 18 - POOLROOMS - Ceiling texture

https://youtu.be/Qae8Klc_CIk - 19 - POOLROOMS - Ocean modifier

https://youtu.be/rwl_KXQFxIk - 20 - POOLROOMS - Water shader

https://youtu.be/LUoVK-ab2F4 - 21 - POOLROOMS - Caustics

https://youtu.be/SRzEokfutCE - 22 - POOLROOMS - Imperfections

https://youtu.be/jnW0JfnG6is - 23 - POOLROOMS - Leaking and Graffiti

https://youtu.be/1w7Gfh0ljEk - 24 - POOLROOMS - Big room - Poolrooms

https://youtu.be/GO7nkCFRlCU - 25 - POOLROOMS - Camera animation in Blender

https://youtu.be/_nbZDrGmbqU - 26 - POOLROOMS - Export and render animation

https://youtu.be/kfVPLnGrErM - 27 - POOLROOMS - Announcement



Ryo Shimabukuro

Thanks for the great tutorial! Btw my render is wobbling in 640x480 in 50% quality. How can I solve this fractuation in final render? Is there any specific render setting to avoid weird wobbling texture in final render?


Hello, sorry for the late reply. I don't know exactly what your problem looks like. Send pictures and render settings to email sbugarija@gmail.com. Try to increase the samples for start.

Ryo Shimabukuro

Got it! I tried to increase the sample 50 (which was the value in the tutorial) to 350 and the fractuation got less! Thank you. I will send you the setting and the footage later. Would you mind if I post rendered footage (little modified) to social media?


Of course I wouldn't, that would be great, that's why there are tutorials.


hello i have two problems maybe you can help 1 shadows has been removed in layers tab so i cant edit caustics in compositing. and my second is i have a weird smudging look and i know that might be sample rate but even at 500-1000 it seems off maybe a render settings?


Hello, I don't know why they removed the shadows from compositing. Maybe you can boost the emission node high enough to see it on the ceiling and bring the lights closer to the ceiling. In the compositor, we just highlighted the shadows a little more. Not sure about smudging. Send me the blender file to my email so I can look at sbugarija@gmail.com


just send ya an email! cheers also my ceiling texture i had to find a different one as the concrete textures you shown in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgL-dLYq-vA are no longer free i set the camera up so you can hit render and see what i mean im just getting this odd smudging effect on my ceeling and it sometimes happens other stuff in the distance

Dan Leshock

Hello - Was there a solution found for the smudging? I am around 1024 samples and its giving me a smudge look to the overall image sequence.


Um, they should disappear on so many samples. More light always helps. Try playing with the lighting.