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Hello people,

I share with you "The oldest view" project files + assets.
The Oldest View tutorial -
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Tutorial promo video - https://youtu.be/9WNHofHmatE 

The oldest view ASSET PACK + final .blend file - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lDbtMHdT6jC9JGaaEya_8-RTcy-SRSsN/view?usp=sharing (500 mb)



Purple Synth

Hey, where is the roof? i load it up and went too check out everything and the roof isn't there

Carlos Greene

I'm very excited to begin this new tutorial now, my Bro. Your artwork and skill really stand out. You're definitely a Genius. I'm looking forward to your new masterpieces this year. Many thanks. Carlos (SourceAwareness on YouTube)


Hello, the roof is there, but it is turned off in the viewport. Click here https://prnt.sc/m5l56k_gdX9Q