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SET-UP: You recently came across nsfw twitter, experimenting with it and soon enough you start talking to different older doms online, one of which you get a little too close to, telling him all of your deepest, darkest fantasies. You don’t think much of it when he asks for your address, promising you a special gift. After touching yourself without permission, he shows up, ready to take what’s his and give you what a needy girl like you truly deserves. 

VA - Mr. Gallo

This script was written by Sharmeen. S


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Gallo's [deepthroat] tag is back y'all!!!


just as I was getting ready for bed, I'm about to sleep like a baby


Gallo....you will always be famous 🫡

Nana martinez

Mr. Gallo, you spoil us🥰

Jonelle Phoenix

After I’m done watching Physical 100 season finale imma listen to this 😈


Gallo!!! Thank you thank you!! I was hoping it was him with the tags. And panties in mouth…I’m done! 🫠🫠❤️


The way I SHRIEKED when I saw the tags!!! Pussy slapping, panties in mouth, DEEP THROAT AND HUMILIATION!? Mr. Gallo, you spoil us beyond belief!

Bezequille Miller

I saw [rough] and was already happy, then I saw [gentler aftercare] and about tripped skipping to my room to get my headphones 😂


Huxley? As in Mr. Chambers character?! Ugh I listen to these too much. I’m remembering names 😂😂


Just from reading the tags I knew this was Gallo…. Maybe pair it with the after care sleep aid from last week… ❤️🥵


Mmm….Papa Gallo 🥵

Ivy Esquè

Gallo daddy sir. Thank you for the night time medicine.


I knew it had to be him I'm listening now....


This is the best audio I could’ve ever listen too


Omg GALLO! Can't wait to listen the audio😭💗💗



Honey Buns

Oh my god 🫠 idk I’m at work rn. And usually I can keep a straight face. But this one was so hot I had to excuse myself 🥵🤤


WAIT bc im currently reading a dark stalker rom-com and this audio is fitting🥵


I was just looking at some old emails from this older Dom I used to play with a few years back. Idk if this audio is another sign, but I feel like I should call him. 🤔 hehe maybe after I finish this audio. 😂😜


Ehh, this one was ok. Not his best. I kinda felt that there was a detachment. IDK. Maybe I'll come back and listen again.

Claudine Langlais

I didn’t even think about it that is such a great idea thank you I will definitely do that. Even if i am not too much into rough rough but still can’t help myself. I will always listen to gallo knowing it his trademark, I am getting use to it lol 🥴😳


I enjoy this in a way that is concerning to feminism.


i just love bks so much

Shavonne Belford

When you know who’s the VA just by the tags and Gallo serves it hot and fresh, top tier work tonight


as soon as i saw deepthroat i was like is this him my man, my baby g can't wait to listennnnn everything about this audio im into<333


One day I hope Mr. Robinson does a similar storyline 😪


Me: I’m a strong, independent woman. Gallo: You’re a dumb whore. Me: I’m a dumb whore.

Denise Mitchell

I swear his laugh is magic 😍

Nat V

Daddy Gallo is my Roman Empire 🥵🥵


It's not just you. I'm on my second listen and have the same thoughts. I keep expecting ..punishment , but this is giving something totally different.



😍🥵🤤 Mr. Gallo and that evil laugh ! Mr. Gallo is such an excellent Master! 😈 " Thank my cock for filling your cunt." 🥴😵😮 This was ..different. The set up helps with a few details, but I'm still a little fuzzy on the flow of the audio. We go from meeting, reading a tweet on the VA's phone, to the car , to her home and then the main event from the door. 🤔



catalina 🤍

older man tag oh my days i’m going feral 🧍🏽‍♀️


Feel asleep right after. 🥰. I just love Gallo. But rough Gallo 🥰🥰🙌. Thank yous


I didn't enjoy this one at all and I don't even know why😲🤯🤔


I would GENUINELY love a part two

Subway Pigeon

The knocking gets me EVERY time 💀 Y'all are too good with the sfx mixing lmao


The man strikes again 🫡🔥 I was so drunk over dick I hadn’t even considered whether or not he locked my door behind him lol



Nyyn Buub

So tonight is a scary Gallo night I see. Welp let me strap in.


Omg Mr Gallo I think u put 😳 me in sub space my god what an audio🥵🔥🔥🥵 incredible the way you said " ANGEL" I just wanted lay over🥵 and when you said " I want u too enjoy every bit of this sweetheart " I was whimpering the degradation and praise just perfect set my daddykink into feral over drive 🥵🥵 even your LAUGH GOD SO HOT 🔥 🥵 this one was EPIC will be on repeat lol 😆 thankyou DADDY GALLO I will definitely be good girl and thankyou bks team ❤️ 😘


It was the wrong thing for me to listen to the new Gallo audio first thing in the morning after waking up. 😭 I had listened to several rough Gallo audios yesterday so thought I'd be fine with the new one. My brain was all over the place with it and I couldn't get my bearings. I could pick this apart but don't want to ruin for the enjoyment other people got from it. So I'll shut up now. Much love 💜

Claudine Langlais

I would really love to know your thoughts on it even though I didn’t listen yet. If you are not comfortable saying it here you can dm me on discord. In the meantime I will listen to it to know your thoughts. I hope you don’t mind. 😉


Have replied to you on Discord sweetie. Hope you still enjoy the audio.


This is the first time I've had to stop and audio midway through because I was getting overestimated as HELL!!! And I'm still just over half way done as I type this!! My god, Mr. Gallo, how does your voice get sooo damn sexy when you're degrading us?


I'm with you on this one. For me it seemed more like he was just reading it. Not like "my spark" where he is really pissed. I love that one. IDK. It's rare for me to dislike a Gallo audio.


I thought it just me. He's still my absolute favorite though maybe this was an off audio.


Agreed 💯%. I am daddy Gallo's girl and this makes me sad.


yup, can confirm, felt the feminism leaving my body the second this man started growling

Vi Cummins

I'm so sorry, this may be the wrong place to ask. How can you get to the discord?


That's ok. If you click on the BKS Membership tab on the main page https://www.patreon.com/bestkeptsecret/membership there is a quick link to the discord page.

Shavonne Belford

lol the word feminism and i became strangers with that first growl and the pet name “Kitten”

Shavonne Belford

lol it’s audio’s like this that feminism and I go from besties to back off don’t know you as I hit the floor on my knees


Oh hell yes I could see a series. Or something completely different than this I think I’d like it anyway.


you. are. joking.


That's it!! This man will be my fucking death.🥴🥰)🔥 G managed to leave me in a mess, even though he was so dominant, mean and rough... (starts shivering again)🔥 And he used one of my favorite pet name...every time he said "little one" I squeezed my thighs together...


I’m so glad to share a space with so many like-minded women! 😁🤍 All Daddy Gallo has to say is “mmmmm” and I become VERY submissive.


My ex was 6'7 and 290 lbs... He was the only man in my life who had the strength and power to dominate me👀 with this kind of Mr.G audios, i start to miss him😂🫣🫠


Oooooh boy... 🔥 🥵 Again though...I only like this because it's fiction haha 😄 I might be a Dom too 😅 I keep thinking I want to fight back but sexy Gallo is ♡❤️


For me it was disappointing. It did have little moments but overall I didn't like it.

Nala Sky'

Paused. I'm too nervous to listen. The fact that's it's only 38 minutes tells me it's going to be *intense*. The knocks get me Every Time.

🦕 (edited)

Comment edits

2025-01-23 17:21:21 I NEED A PART 2!!! And also daddy Gallo is always be my favourite ✨🩷
2025-01-23 17:21:21 I NEED A PART 2!!! And also daddy Gallo is always be my favourite ✨🩷
2024-04-10 18:13:37 I NEED A PART 2!!! And also daddy Gallo is always be my favourite ✨🩷

I NEED A PART 2!!! And also daddy Gallo is always be my favourite ✨🩷

🦕 (edited)

Comment edits

2025-01-23 17:21:21 I LOVE daddy punish me roughly!!!!
2025-01-23 17:21:21 I LOVE daddy punish me roughly!!!!
2024-04-10 18:14:28 I LOVE daddy punish me roughly!!!!

I LOVE daddy punish me roughly!!!!


🥵🥵🥵 sweet Jesus his release was hot as hell!!


This man makes me want to throw feminism out entirely.


listening to this feels illegal ......the way i *clenched* everytime he said cunt fml ....the level of control was insanely sexy the measured commands- stop slurring your words, look at me, eyes on me 🥵🥵🥵 i nearly died with this one and the fuck my thigh jessus that was such a surprise then the slight drop at 22:50 XD generally i love most degredation but the dumb and disgusting comments were a bit much for me personally, happy if they work for others *edit* i have come back to this audio so many times now and honestly the dumb and pathetic comments have grown on me, they are freeing in a way


Oh goodness! This was deliciously rough! I'm a puddle right now! Thank you Daddy🥵🫠


Feminism, I hate to say it, I hope I don't sound ridiculous, I don't know who she is. I mean, she could be walking down the street, and I wouldn't know a thing. Sorry to her.

Claudine Langlais

Yes I read your answer just didn’t get around to let you know. Thank you for sharing LuckyPenguin. I still haven’t listen to it yet I will probably listen this Friday night before my day off an Saturday.

Silvia Lee

I didn't know I needed this til now... daddy Gallo is always just so fucking hot 🔥🥵🥰


i absolutely love all the nicknames... especially "little one" it's so cute...


Snatched that ass right up..whoooo gives their location to strangers?? Sounds like he’s rich too. Just like I like em. Rich, older, and downright nasty.. love me a rough Gallo video.


This laugh, this voice, this "good girl" - I'm dying, bye.


I can’t even think 🥵 ! The DT and commands pushed me over the edge

Christina Reeves

Ok I have come to realize I can not handle Gallo 🤣 he’s so rough I would be trimbling, whimpering mess🫣🫣


he can literally tell me to stfu and all of a sudden i can't form a sentence 😭


I need a Gallo in my life!


not 100% that I'd call any of that at the end aftercare, but like, hot fkn scene. I'm always down for Daddy Gallo

Cathy Williams

This is my new favorite Gallo audio....holy crap. The dirty talk, the premise, his noises. Holy fuck. I actually had to pause halfway through and finish it the next day cause I simply couldn't take anymore after the thigh riding and I'm so happy I did.


The audible gasps that left me? I need…water. Lots of water. Favorite Gallo audio to date. 10/10


Mr. Gallo my favorite daddy 🥰

Clarise Heart

“when you get needy, you save yourself for me.”🥵🧎‍♀️


I love this one. Him pulling up on her and straight up putting her in her place..😮‍💨 the dirty talking killed me while my legs couldn't stop shaking. Wtf... definitely going to listen to this again 🫠🫠

🦕 (edited)

Comment edits

2025-01-23 17:21:21 Not really a Dive ;) but I like their song so much💖
2025-01-23 17:21:21 Not really a Dive ;) but I like their song so much💖
2024-04-15 17:50:28 Not really a Dive ;) but I like their song so much💖

Not really a Dive ;) but I like their song so much💖


Oh my GODDD that facefuck made me EXPLODE 🥵🥵🥵 holy shit. Daddy Gallo once again turned me into a whimpering, shaking, head empty puddle. He’s my main man fr fr I love the other guys but I’d be on my knees for Mr. Gallo in a fraction of heartbeat

Violet Times

This was phenomenal!!! I wanted a second listen as soon as I was done with the first one! Amazing job!


Sorry guys…. This audio made me feel sooo uncomfortable…and not in a good way. 😞


Not into the whore talk but to each it own.

Sadie The Cleaning Lady

Now…. I won’t divulge into details but this is my go to I play it on repeat 🥴🫠




Never been into degradation buttt Mr. Gallo always has a way to make me like things I normally don’t.


THIS is the level of degradation I expect from a future partner. Nothing short with suffice 😝


I need a man like this in my life!😩


Oh my god. I love this.


cant count how many times i keep coming back to this, especially when im stressed and just need to have my brain turn off, always get such an intense physical and emotional release from this audio

Aurora Yessir

My all time favorite by far


This one right here just made my soul clench. Psyche just sat up to listen to this man. P.S. I had to come back to edit this...holy Fuq. I might not be cancelling this subscription after all. BKS you have Mr. Gallo to thank for my loyalty. 🖤💋






Gallo folds me every time 😭 like yesss put me in my place PLEASE 😭😭

Sanna Lähdetsalo

Damn that voice as Dom I can't get enough 😍❤️‍🔥🫠

Tifa Lockhart

I can always appreciate a good ol'-fashioned skull fucking from Gallo! 🥵

sul sul

need more Gallo like this......


Please that knock sounded so real I thought there was someone outside my door at 4am 😭😭😭

M (edited)

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2025-01-23 17:21:21 Idc how many times I listen to this audio the knock scares the shit out of me every time 😭😭😭
2025-01-23 17:21:21 Idc how many times I listen to this audio the knock scares the shit out of me every time 😭😭😭
2025-01-22 17:33:05 Idc how many times I listen to this audio the knock scares the shit out of me every time 😭😭😭

Idc how many times I listen to this audio the knock scares the shit out of me every time 😭😭😭




Ok I’m coming back for spanking and dirty talk therapy again

