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Due to issues with the original file uploaded here and Patreon's malfunctioning edit function when creating posts (SMH), we've had to create a new post for the sleep aid that went out last night so here it is again. The old one is now deleted.

Description: Finally ready to go to sleep but your husband hasn’t come out of his office. You can’t sleep without him but he just can’t get away yet. So you curl up in his lap and get sleep while he works.

VA - Mr. Robinson

This sleep aid was written by Ellie




I put this on and fell asleep. Thanks BKS and Robinson! 👏


This is my favorite thing too!

Remy Darling

I wish we had a repeat button without having to download them. lol I will run out on my space if I keep downloading the stories I enjoy. lol


This should also be titled work aid for the ADHD girlies cause sometimes I just need someone to babysit me while I work haha


My mom joking said she feels I need an ADHD nanny a few days a week 😂😂 glad I’m not the only one in need.