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from bksaudio.com - VA is a mid 30s Daddy that has a very inexperienced sub (listener - college-aged) who’s one and only experience with sex was lackluster and with a selfish partner. VA goes all out to give her a new and much more satisfying “first time” (maybe takes her on a retreat to the mountains or some sort of getaway). And whilst walking up the mountain they stop at a cabin he has booked out and things ensue from there…

VA - Mr. Robinson

This script was written by V and edited by Rob


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oh lawd... i might need some wine when i listen to this one...



Alex Skywalker

Soooo glad this is from Mr. Robinson!

Hey Jamie



Mr. Roooooobbbbbbbiiiiinnnnnsssssssoooooooonnnnnnnnn 😍😍😍😍


Oh my god. Mr. Robinson and a cabin. I may not survive this one sisterwives....

The copperhead



Yes yes yes 🤗🥳

Doña Yayi

Nails..done..skincare...done...snacks...ready...hard liquor...READYYYYY gawds yasss i am ready!!!! Sisterwives our beloved and sexy man has returned and demands our attention!!!!! Ohh wow im so ready for this holy hades havin a shot of hard liquor tonight 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Swoon imma need to listen to this over and over and over again 😍

Doña Yayi

Oh gawds girl same here !!!Thank GAAAAAAWDAAAAAH i am sitting down because my legs just gave out on me just reading the description and lookin at the tags!!!!!


Hey, I read your story the other day. You are such a beautiful and strong woman. I admire you a great deal 💫🫂

Doña Yayi

Thank you !!!! 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂 ive been through alot of pain and still to this day the heartbreaking memories still haunt me!! But i cant let sadness dictate my heart so with the help of my family and friends and this wonderful BKS community i decided to give myself alittle push 😊❤️❤️❤️ and give love and life a chance. Lets say this is my second chance to live again!!! And so far i am loving it 🙂🙂🙂


“ holy fuck dude…” ????? Thanks… bro …. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


i had to go back and make sure he really just said that LMAO


Right ?!?!?!?!? Like……what?!?!! and then the ending when he said let me paint with this. What are you, Bob Ross? This one had to many laughing moments for me.


yeah like I appreciate the sentiment but can we not 😂


Lmmfao !!!! it’s like what are you doing making a tree back there! Stop it….. dude!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I had a *very selfish* person as my first time, and this audio... This audio feels like it mended a bit of my little heart. Thank you BKS <3

Jonelle Phoenix

I enjoyed this quite a bit. I wonder if there’s a similar one where the listener is in their mid 30s early 40s. If there is can yall tell me the name. 🥺🫶🏾🙏🏾


Did he really just say that he’s a novice hiker but “pffft, intuition, right? We’ll be fine.”

Tianna Valdez

Please tell me he’s at least not that old in real life

Doña Yayi

UGGGGHHHH!!!!! 😒😒😒 was interrumpted!!!! Geeeshhh and just when i was listening to the good parts of this story!!!! Well cant be mad because well my late night visitor is my favorite person my gorgeous silver fox...well now that he is here in my home imma make him listen to this story with me!!!! Well let me listen from the beginning again!!!! 🤌💋❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Bonnie ☕️

Check out the audio “I can give you what you want” It has similar vibes but the listener is older. Definitely recommend. I wish there were more audios with that dynamic

Tianna Valdez

I really want to know how old he’s is in real life I am in love with his VA

Pam 701

Wow, this is so slow paced and meant to be savored. I am constantly amazed at how Robinson just gets better and better. ❤️🥵🔥🥵❤️


Ooohhhh I’m gonna need a part 2 in the tent with the ropes. This one is definitely on my favorites list.

Rachel Artemis

OMG my dear loved Mr Robinson in my bday? The MOST perfect gift ever, thank you so much sir ❤️ it made my day. What a performance 🥵🥵🥵


That was so hot he got me sweating❤️❤️ I’ll never get tired of this man seriously, more is never enough!! Also it didn’t sound like it was Lotus position, I think he Probone? (I had to Google image) lmao


Mr Robinson, you have outdone yourself once again 💖


My whole imagery just broke when he said “perky tits”. Now i just know this audio wasn’t created for someone like me. 🥺 and unfortunately I’m one of those people that like to see themselves in the story. Enjoy it for both of us, other girlies!


I absolutely loved the audio! Another great job Mr Robinson! Thank you so much for your hard work!


What do you mean "that old"?!😂 In my world he's at least 45! But that doesn't match his voice... I'm afraid he's in his mid to late twenties😳

Tianna Valdez

He sounds so damn attractive girl I’m only on my 20s almost 30 3 more years to go but still very sexy voice that man is my dream!

Annathea Marie

Mr Robinson you always blow me away with your voice acting💞 keep up the wonderful work ☺️


God I love humor in audios.. turned on giggles are the best. There were so many funny moments and I love it! I really liked this one!!


Tsssss... Last time i saw perky tits in the mirror was when i was 16😂 A woman's body is created for pain, work and children! So if you are "still natural", be proud of it🥰


Mr. Robinson did it again. I loved this audio. The story line was so sweet. V, did a wonderful job.


Um. This is the FILTHIEST dirty talk I have ever heard Mr. Robinson utter and I am here for it 🥵


Also, KEEP THIS UP V. Goddamn.

Daisy is me

Such a great time to released this asmr. I almost have my first time, but it ended up canceling because ‘that guy’ seemed like he only wants my virginity, without any aftercare. At least this one can comfort me during my blue feeling. Thank you so much 💖

Angeluna Fortuna

So sorry you had to experience that but you seemed to have dodged a bullet. Like sex is give and take on both sides so definitely stand your ground for someone to meet you where you are. High standards are a right. 🥰


So gentle and calming. Loved it! 🥰



Doña Yayi

Oh gawds this was just ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 !!!! This was so calming, so soothing and ohhh so deliciously yummy and sexy!!!! This felt like an ASMR erotic roleplay and sleep aid!!!! Ohhhh wow hades havin a bustello café black and 1 sugar this morning at 10:26 in the morning how sweet our beloved and deliciously beautiful Mr. Robinson was in this story and soooo sexy and romantic at the same time!!!! 🤌💋❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 how he gave his muse the most sensual and amazing first time ever and was never selfish with her!!!!! Ohhh holy mother of sweet pumpkin spice donuts and delicious caramel ice coffee with extra sugars this morning this man did me in with his whispered dirty talk and affirmations to her!!!!! This man did not " EFF the muse " he made love to her and made her feel the things that her body and soul have never felt before and that was just so lovely!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ And oh my heart 😳....i wasnt alone listening to this 😮😮😮😮😮 my favorite person was with MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! Im screaming " AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA " ohhhhh gaaaawdsss i made him listen to this sweet ASMR masterpiece with me and lords he was shooketh!!!!!! And then he figured out why when in the early mornings at work he would hear me talk out loud with my " holy mothers" " hades havin shots " and other things when he walks in my barn hahahahaha now he is the second person to know that i hear these wonderful stories and i am part of the BKS community 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. And!!!!! Earlier this morning when i woke up i go straight to the living room and find him with my tablet listening to one of my favorite audios of BKS!!!!!!! he was listening to the threesome one with our beloved papá bear Mr. Chambers and our cuddle bear Mr. Robinson!!!!! Oh my gaaaaaaawdddd AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! i swear i got this man hooked with our community now and i saw his reaction 😳😳😳😳😳 and how he was lookin at me i can see how he was thinkin up alotta THIIIIIINGSSSS oh lordt 😮😮😮😮😮!!!!! BKS i swear not only your stories have an affect on us women but if you would have seen my gorgeous silver fox future boyfriends eyes trust and believe it has an affect on men too!!!! Helps them figure out how to keep their ladies happy!!!!!! To the writer....V...this was just wonderful!!!! Such a gem!!!! I enjoyed this story so much it was amazing!!!! Please do keep writing these wonderfully exquisite, sweet and sexy stories!!!!! Don BKS ohhhh thank you for dropping this deliciously beautiful work of art here for us lovelies!!!! This was just ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂 and to my beloved cuddle bear Mr. Robinson oh gawds if i can just grab you now and give you a great big SQUEEEEEZEEEEEE ((((( HUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGG ))))) you did so wonderfully amazing in this story!!!! So sweet, so swoony, so romantic, so intesne this was just the whole package!!!! Ohh i give you sweet kisses, feather like caresses and well i already gave you the big squeeze but i'll do it again!!!!! ((((( HUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGG ))))) 🙂❤️ sweet and lovely man 💋💋💋🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂


Agh. Yes a Mr. Robinson audio! As someone who subscribes exclusively for his voice, this made me happy! Not to mention those moans at the end… hubba hubba! 🫠


Really in a bad mood recently but this helped me relax sooo much…Thank u Robinson🥹


This one is exceptionally bad. It is poorly written, the sequence made no sense, the story itself meandered. And Mr. Robinson! Did you actually use the word "dude" when describing how aroused the listener was?!? Everyone is allowed one stinker and this is BKS'S.


It is that deep though, Rob the CEO asked on Discord for people's REAL opinions, if they disliked it so we know to improve. This was a real opinion that he has taken into consideration. :)


Ty Ellie. That's why I commented. The audios are typically really really amazing. This one was not imo.


I don't like it either... I'm so sorry but it was boring af... And tbh, the "pose for me" wasn't much better! Cause it goes on and on and on with the college girls! These stories start to really working on my nerves


Wait!?! There’s a discord convo I’ve been missing ?!?!?


I had issues with the sound in this one, it kept cutting out. Could have been my headphones I’ll do a sound check in just a bit. No comment really, just that so far. I’ll have to give it another go to see if I can fix the issue


Oh boy. I haven’t listened to that one yet. Should I bother? I’m WELL past college age lol


🤣 They’re gonna ☠️. 🏕️🌨️🚑

Anna Faber

The guy is horribly possessive. Did not like it and stopped listening. Personally looking forward to a more respectful relationship in the next story. But maybe it matches other people's taste better.


I thought the story line was well thought out and written well, I think Mr. R did a good job with this audio. I’m a new subscriber but from what I’ve heard so far, BKS puts out some very good work and although everyone is entitled to their opinion I do not feel this audio deserved the harshly worded negative comments. It’s very simple really, click pause and pick a different one. You can have an opinion without being flat out rude to the hard working writers and actors. From what I’ve flipped through so far there’s something for everyone and as we are all aware you cannot please everyone at the same time. Show a little compassion and kindness. BKS, you’re doing great. Mr. R, this was lovely. I’m looking forward to enjoying more of your work in the future.

LuckyPenguin (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-13 09:18:50 Yes there were parts of this script that really didn't make any sense, and unfortunately Robinson could fully save it. Robinson was meant to be a 'Daddy' in this but somethings he acted alot younger that expected for that. Maybe I'm comparing too much to his other Daddy audios but this one really didn't meet the same standard. Much love 💜
2023-12-29 20:28:27 Yes there were parts of this script that really didn't make any sense, and unfortunately Robinson couldn't fully save it. Robinson was meant to be a 'Daddy' in this but somethings he acted alot younger that expected for that. Maybe I'm comparing too much to his other Daddy audios but this one really didn't meet the same standard. Much love 💜

Yes there were parts of this script that really didn't make any sense, and unfortunately Robinson couldn't fully save it. Robinson was meant to be a 'Daddy' in this but somethings he acted alot younger that expected for that. Maybe I'm comparing too much to his other Daddy audios but this one really didn't meet the same standard. Much love 💜

Lady Erosina

I just love the sound of a man feeling pleasure especially during oral (for VA and VA giving oral) that really is a turn on for me 🥵


🥵 Mr. Robinson. Holy moly. I didn't even have to touch myself. That was CRAZY GOOD.

Eden Miller

44:14 the" Not until I'm done with you"😂😂😂😂🥲🥲❤️❤️. Good job Mr Robinson 😄👍


“You have a thing for being pinned down. It suits you” -me spontaneously combusting into flames-

Christina Reeves

What a pretty mess💖 that reminded me of Vanity’s song pretty mess😊😊 Me. Robinson you really enjoyed that release☺️

Mavka (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-07 01:32:29 This one’s creepy. :( she says she doesn’t want to open her legs and she’s embarrassed- so what’s he say? “OH COME ONE BABY BE A GOOD GIRL AND DO IT FOR ME!” !!! WHAT THE F! She says she’s uncomfortable and doesn’t want to do something so he coerces her into it anyways, and that’s supposed to be a sexy thing? That’s a red flag not a turn on. Why do so many audios turn out like this??!
2024-05-03 16:50:39 This one’s creepy. :( she says she doesn’t want to open her legs and she’s embarrassed- so what’s he say? “OH COME ONE BABY BE A GOOD GIRL AND DO IT FOR ME!” !!! WHAT THE F! She says she’s uncomfortable and doesn’t want to do something so he coerces her into it anyways, and that’s supposed to be a sexy thing? That’s a red flag not a turn on. Why do so many audios turn out like this??!

This one’s creepy. :( she says she doesn’t want to open her legs and she’s embarrassed- so what’s he say? “OH COME ONE BABY BE A GOOD GIRL AND DO IT FOR ME!” !!! WHAT THE F! She says she’s uncomfortable and doesn’t want to do something so he coerces her into it anyways, and that’s supposed to be a sexy thing? That’s a red flag not a turn on. Why do so many audios turn out like this??!


sometimes the backstory for the listener is too accurate 😭

Lotusflower 🤍✨

I always read every single comment after listening to audios and this one is clearly a bit controversial. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I don’t judge, but I honestly don’t understand the flack this audio got. I guess it’s the cilantro 🌿 audio of BKS 😅 you either love it or hate it, and I love cilantro so 🫠…here is my review : Literally laughed out loud at 10:41 😂 Robinson and his couch 🛋️ I just love it! It is here to stay! I love the gentle "authority" with the age difference going on…real turn on for me 💜 the loaded sensual intentions at 12:15 made me melt…🫦 and what can I say about the rest? 💕 Perfection✨ The gentle coaxing before he does down and when he asks "You ok?" at 41:49 amidst the action 😮‍💨🥹 I could go on and on…the actual sex sequence was fire 🫦🔥 the script is soooooo well-written. Top tier slow burn and perfectly executed. I was hanging on to his every word. It’s one of the sexiest ones I’ve listened to so far and joining my favorite audios box 💖 Excellent job V 👏🏻 and Mr. Robinson, well…I refer to him as Vocal God for a reason 💕 my forever number one ✨flawless performance✨


Oh my dear Gods those whispers, his breath and moans!! 🥵 Mr. Robinson, you're driving a girl grazy with those 😵🥵 RIP all those panties that were ruined here.. 🪦


2 words: HOT DAM 🥵🥵🥵🥰🥰🥰🫠🫠🫠